Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Good, Good, News

I have even better news. I can get the hair analysis out of the way ASAP and it will prove I haven't been using drugs at all when I've missed these UAs. It will also show attempts to comply with court orders.

Also, I found out there are some which will go back up to 7 years, and if I do one like this, it will PROVE I wasn't and NEVER used drugs before my son was taken from me. It would prove I was never abusing drugs when some thought I was. It would show I didn't use marijuana while my son was ever in my care.

I have no idea what the psych eval will be, but if I need an independent one done, that is my right to have it done so this should alleviate the last concern of mental illness, which I do not have in any way which would impair parenting.

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