Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Not Depressed

I guess I'll add, I'm not depressed. Not bipolar either. (Just wanted to make sure that's on the record to prevent any kind of "accidental overdose or suicide". I don't use drugs, period, and I don't feel like killing myself and never would and if it ever appears I have, I've told my family, make sure it's investigated because I will never make such an attempt.)

Despite everything, my outlook is still positive and while I have moments now and then of doubt, I still believe things will work out when the truth is out and if some people are willing to put my son's best interests and his own desires, above all else.

So, for the record, I'm not depressed.

If I ever have a problem with anything, it would be anxiety, but naturally.

I told one doc I would like a couple Valium but he said it was too addictive. What are they made for then? I could use maybe 4 Valium per month, for certain times when the stress builds up. But I don't need something on a daily basis that would slow me down at all. And I don't think someone could get addicted on 4-5 tablets of Valium a month.

I've tried everything else and also, I would turn down Xanax. For whatever reason, Xanax doesn't work for me, although some pill poppers prefer it if they're using it for recreational purposes.

For me, Valium was fine.

I feel, if anything is wrong with me, it is a horrible set of circumstances and stress. No more. And if I can kick cigarettes I'm not an addictive personality type. For the record too, I have always, in the past, weaned myself from narcotics after serious injuries when I was prescribed them because I needed them.

I have never abused or misused drugs of any kind.

As for marijuana, this was never a reason to take my son because I never used it in my life prior to his removal from me and the first time I tried it was 2 months after my son was taken from me. Then, I quit before I came back to Wenatchee.

When I used it before, it was for migraine prevention and was in very small doses. So it's not an issue for getting my son back and was never an issue in having him removed from me to begin with.

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