Sunday, November 22, 2009

Howard Ancestry

I've been talking to a great aunt who I like so much for her writing and spiritual sayings, from different gurus. Some babai guy.

She has a bunch of family stuff she said she can dig out and someone traced the Howard line as well and she's going to send it to me. She has to validate or confirm it but she's pretty sure it's accurate. From another Howard. I'm excited to learn more.

It's from a Helen Howard who MAY be (have to see) related to an Agnes Howard. I'll find out about the Howards! I tried looking Helen up but see only something about Wellesley college and then something about a sister named Agnes.

I looked up Agnes but there is only a Duchess of Norfolk from way back so it's not in the last century.

Really looking forward to finding out where they're from though. I tried to find other photos of Edward Howard (cia defector) and couldn't find anything besides his FBI frontal face mug. I found an older man holding a boy, and the man, under this same name, has ears like mine, but that's all I noted. Ears like mine, folding back sort of like elf ears. I can't tell though, which Howards are "ours"!

I met a Howard in Wenatchee, or heard of one recently. I might ask where he's from but I know our Howards come from back East.

hahahaaa! I think I must be an illegitimate Norfolk! I looked up their photos and their ears turn back like mine! (will have to rule out other possible family elves). From the 4th Duke to the 15th, the ears fold back the way mine do. What a disgrace I might the family name! ho ho. (photo of 15th duke) and there are ones of the 4th all over.


I thought it was Wellesly but I am wrong. The cousin, Helen, is a distant cousin but a Howard and I'm waiting for her history on the Howards. I looked her up and found, I think, this woman and her sister Agnes who passed away recently. Agnes Howard was alumni of a Wesleyan college in West Virginia, not Wellesly. It was written she had very dark hair, blue eyes, and very fair skin, and was enthusiastic about horseback riding. It sounded like her family was into farming. That's all I know for now until I get the written records. She is a cousin of some kind to my great aunt who is a Howard, who is the daughter of my Nana, Ruth Howard.


  1. My greatgrand father's, father was supposed to be the Duke of Norfolk, and his Mother was Agnes. She died from milk fever. Wher did you find this information from.


  2. Wellesley college is in the uk and its a naval training ship (land based). My Great Grand Father was a instructor there. He also Loved Football very much.


  3. While you may be a Norfolk, and it sounds like you might be, I don't know, I don't know that I am.

    I looked up some ancestry tree and I didn't see anyone by the name of Agnes that was recent. She was back in the 1500s.

    There was an Agnes who was mother in law or something, to Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard, but I didn't see this name in the last century or so.

    However, I don't know if the list or tree was inclusive of all Howards--or Norfolks', it just showed most direct lineage to the title.

    I thought you were kidding at first, about milk fever but I looked it up and it's a disease.

    I don't have the family history yet, but I was just told a "Helen" Howard-Hunter has some of our history.

    So I googled this name and found an obituary to an Agnes from a Helen with this name, who went to Wellesly.

    There was an Ada Howard who was the first president of Wellesly.

    And then I found a lot of history about the Norfolks and there was one prominent Agnes and then I didn't see another one, but it could be that others used the name because of relation.

    I typed in searches for Norfolk through wiki and found images through Google. I found other documents about Norfolks. I'll do some searching tonight and give you the links I found.

    I also found out there was a prominent governor of Virginia who was a Howard. Francis Howard.

    I'll try to find the link to the tree again. But doubtless, there are illegit Howards and maybe a lot of others who are not in the strict title-tree who are still connected.

    I just thought it was strange that their ears, on most of them, folded back. It's not a common trait and yet it is also found in Henry VIII. I looked at all his portraits and busts, and he had ears like mine.

    Even Elizabeth, current Queen, has this, slightly, and she's related to Henry VIII. It's not really noticeable in Elizabeth, but she's got it! A wee bit of elf.

    I think Keebler snuck in somewhere.

  4. oh! I didn't know there was one in the UK. There is also one in the states but I don't know which one "Agnes" is connected to.

    I'll find the links I got into last night, even the ones for photos and portraits, and send them to you.

    I noticed the ear trait in the 4th Duke of Norfolk and the 15th Duke of Norfolk. Then, I decided, what the hell, maybe there is a connection of this trait to Henry VIII (but he wasn't a Norfolk I don't think, he just married 'em) and it's a trait.

    I was looking because I wondered how the ears got passed down. Then I noticed Elizabeth has a slight fold-back but not like the Norfolk dukes. I didn't check on the women because I didn't have much time.

    I think a lot of people could have this "type" of ear...Umm...and perhaps you don't but I'm going on and on about it! but it is seen in the Howards and Norfolks and then I noticed it in Henry VIII.

    I looked the trait up in medical terms and ear specialists claim it's exceedingly rare in Caucasians and more often noticed in those of Oriental ancestry.

    So if it's rare, it may or may not be a significant trait.

    The thing is, investigators and forensic specialists look at ears and teeth when identifying someone because ears are really unique and say a lot more about someone's background and where they're from than supposedly most anything else.

    Ears and teeth.

    Who knows how in the world I get onto these wild, wild, tangents! but it's fun!

    I need to put it to use someday, in a work of fiction, eh?

    You are probably a Norfolk if you have that much already. I don't know yet. I know our Howards inter-married so they're strong in their Howard-ness. lol. ;)

    I have to ask, do your ears fold back? I noticed it's not in all of them though. But you've got new people marrying in and everything. The most recent Norfolk doesn't have them. Or maybe it's the 16th. He doesn't have the trait but then you look at Elizabeth's ears and she does.
