Sunday, November 22, 2009

Props To Whitney Houston

Wow. I'm watching the AMA awards tonight with a friend and I have to say, Whitney has it, still.

I came in on the part where an award went to Gloriana instead of Lady Gaga and I was really suprised. The clip of music from Gloriana was so-so and not original. I don't know why they won.

Then J Lo got out there and she can dance, and she is a true singer, with a beautiful voice, but something was missing. I didn't "buy" the PT lover thing. She is married and has her kids now...and thought this is why I couldn't buy it but something about the heart or soul was kind of not there for her, I thought, tonight. Something is going on inside of her I think that kept her from selling it.

Then Whitney got out there and her range is a lot lower now but she has this beautiful tone still, and she is ALL soul. I had to keep myself from crying and then saw a lot of others in that audience experienced the same thing. She is one strong woman and an inspiration, and her soul and heart and interpretation was beautiful. I liked how she interpreted the first "crumble" and then when she got to that phrase the second time, the stronger version. She just nailed it. I had tears in my eyes. Maybe part of it, is that we know some of what she's been through, but too, she sold it because it was real. It really came from the depths. Good job Whitney.

I haven't watched a music award thing for awhile so this is fun for tonight.

Alicia Keys...slightly pitchy or something. I still like her speaking and breathing more than her singing. She was into it, but I just like how she looks and speaks more than anything.

I was reading People mag tonight too. Don't usually, but I thought, wow, Taylor Swift and this guy she's going out with look alike, facially. They have the same nose and face or something. I am definitely team Edward. I don't know what his ethnic background is, but his eyes are gorgeous.

Then read about Chaz. Cool article about her, and she sounds happy. How brave too and she's so open and cool about everything, I think it speaks to her self confidence and desire to help others in their understanding or in encouraging people.

I listened to the spanish version of "Irreplaceable" by Beyonce tonight. Pretty good.

Eminem. lol...still has it. Rhythm...He can rap so fast and fluently it's like the best rap auctioneer...How does he not trip over he words? I'm not a fan of the song but of his talent. I'm not really into song as much as the way he...I guess you say.."spits it?" 50 cent looked a tiny bit nervous when he first got out there. The next one "morning after" I liked so-so. Something was 100% right and but it could be my mood right now...something not totally there. so-so song.

Liking Green Day's "21 Guns". Different switch-up from the hip hop but hitting right. I want to say he could go up an octave at some point though. I want to take something up a notch Bon Jovi style. I want a different interpretation when he gets to the part where he says, "you're in ruins". Something flat there to me. But I like this one.

I like Taylor Swift a lot but I can't believe she won performer of the year. I mean, if it's a trendy award maybe, but Kings of Leon or Michael Jackson I would think. So MJ isn't the hot trend? If it's for just "the year" maybe I can swallow that. I'm wondering how these votes are brought in. Who is voting here and where do these people come from?

I am now reading Richie got a restraining order. Good for her. I think more celebrities should be pro-active and do this. It's really horrible the kinds of things I've seen done. I even noticed in a Di photo, how she was just trying to walk down the street and there are all these people around her heckling. Just to get reaction and it's harassment.

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