Monday, November 23, 2009

I Have King Edward VI's EARS!!!!!!!!

I burst out laughing when I decided just now to look up Henry VIII's successor. I was thinking about the elf ear thing.

Well, look at the frickin' ears on King Edward, who followed Henry VIII! THEY'RE MINE to a "T". Talk about the Keebler ELF! Look at those Eeaeeeaaarrsss!

Not only that, red hair. Edward looks like my twin. Well, LOOK. You have to look at the ears on that kid.

That decides it. I'm going to England to stake a claim.

I can't believe it. I mean, those ears, are my ears. My Mom and Dad don't even have ears like that. I got Eddies ears.

Can't I have fun with this? I am thinking I am related to a CIA defector, and I may be, and then I go on a Norfolk tour and then get to the kings and whaddya know.

Granny almost passed out when I told her I almost named my son Edward.

I guess I got my jawline and full lips from my Native American blood. I swear Edward VI got his ears from his Dad though, because Henry had the turn-back first. Then you look at the elf ears on Eddie, and they are identical to mine. I mean, identical.

This is really pathetic and hilarious at the same time.

I'll have to look for these ears in others though. I mean, maybe they're all over the place and unaccounted for. (?) ;)

I am really amused. This is sort of fun. You know what though? Prince Harry, I think, looks like the 4th Duke of Norfolk or bears a resemblance. Anyway, he's fully legitimate. Look at his ears and his brothers ears. They're almost the same. I think that should put rumors to rest. And, don't you think, if he were not, that someone would have come up with a DNA on one of his hairs? Someone would have tested it by now. He's his dad's kid for sure.

What's strange, is that in the recent past, I've had a few people insinuate there is something with him going on in my life. Not at all. But I've had people bring up Harry a LOT to me, and also implying he's "the half-blood prince" and putting stuff out from Harry Potter and commenting. I don't know why.

I'm listening to The Killers.

I think this is sort of fun. Funny too, that I should care to look at royal ears at all. One thing leads to another with me. I start thinking about one subject and I have to exhaust it.

This is a silly one, I know, but for a break, why not indulge? I really need the actual documents to know who I'm related to though, because I really don't know.

I just read Queen Elizabeth II is related to a Mary Garrit on her mother's side and some Webb person. I once researched we're related to some Webb person but don't remember how. I looked up Queen Mary and I think Elizabeth has her ears sort of. They fold back slightly too.

So maybe it's not just English but also a German trait?

I have no idea. Now tired of looking. Pointless without seeing my family written records. I wouldn't know where to look. Sort of interesting though. I always wondered where I got these ears. I am curious though.

For whatever reason, some group or another has had more than passing interest in me and I don't know why. So I would like to find out if there is a reason that I don't even know about yet.

My Nana was a Howard and her mother and father were both Howards. My great aunt said her cousin who is a Howard-Hunter has information on the Howards but I don't know about it yet.

My father is Robert Garrett II, son of Dolores Davis and Robert Garrett I
Dolores Davis' mother was a Sutton I believe.
Robert Garrett I is son of Ruth Howard and Lebious Garrett

My mother is Dicksie Garrett, daughter of Beverly Breigenzer and Roland Baird
Beverly Baird's mother was a McQuery or MacQuarrie I believe
Roland Baird I don't know.

There are Wootens, Suttons, Howards, MacQuarrie, Breigenzer, Davis, Goff, and Garrett surnames and I don't know the rest and how it adds up. Granny has always said we're related to Lady Godiva (somehow) and then it is possible we're related to Lady Godiva on my father's side too, through the Howards. I'm sure there's some french because of the middle name "Guy" that is passed down so long on my father's side. Unless it's also an English name. Then I know we're related to several military persons and that I'm a confederate daughter or whatever that means. Several presidents in direct line too: buchanan, lincoln (maybe through the wife though so not direct, something like a cousin removed or something) and george washington (direct) and Hoover and I can't remember who else. The Jewish surname in the family was Prinz or Prince and he was a captain in a revolutionary war I believe. Then there's Cherokee and Choctaw. Choctaw on my mother's side and Cherokee on my fathers. My mom and dad used to argue over who had the best president in the tree (playfully of course) and whose Indian tribe was most civilized and cultured. How hilarious would it be to find out they are BOTH related to Godiva.

I tried to find profiles of Edward Howard, CIA defector and can't find any. I did find one of some Edward Howard as an older man and he has the elf ears.

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