Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Related To Katherine Howard & People In Family Killed Off?

I got this from my great aunt. I guess people have been trying to kill my family off for some time. And she says we're related to one of Henry VIII's wives. I don't have the formal papers and documents yet, but here's what she wrote:

:Agnes Howard had an untimely death when she was in college. She was the sister of Harry, Helen and Edna Howard, all first cousins that my mother played with growing up in Cowen, WV. The Howards gave money to WV Wesleyan College in Buckhannon, WV and a dormitory (still there, I believe) was named after her, Agnes Howard Hall. She was ill and I'm not sure they really knew what her illness was. I know of noone involved with the CIA or by the name of Edward. Mother's mother and father were cousins. She lived in Louisville and taught 1st grade---the story is she had over 60 kids in her class and was highly thought of. When she married and went with my grandfather to Cowen, WV, (he was a big lumbermill owner) she was not allowed to teach anymore because she was a married woman. So sad as Cowen certainly lacked in attracting competent teachers and I'm confident she had a lot to offer.

If you're interested in family you might want to research something for me that I am interested in and know financially and physically I cannot pursue it. My brother Howard (your great uncle) was killed in World War II. He was waiting to be sent to Japan and was out on a routine detail in Washington State. July 22, 1944 his fighter plane went down in Washington. My parents got several conflicting telegrams from the government about the nature of the accident. I recall people wrote my family from the community where he went down. I have a vague memory of hearing my mother reading horrendous detail describing body parts, etc. The plane had crashed and burned on a farm in Washington where there was a gathering for a picnic. Your grandfather went to visit the sight while he was waiting to be shipped to Japan. There was always a sense of mystery and question. Did Howard just push the plane too hard. There were some stories about a spy wearing a bandaged finger and dropping sand into motor parts of airplanes---was his plane sabotaged. Could his plane have been shot down? It is curious the Navy had done nothing to remove the wreckage when Bob went to visit. What would have been in the newspapers and records of that community? The Navy says they have few details about it. There was supposedly an explosion. Was it in the air or when it hit the ground. Mother had a very vivid dream that showed the plane in the air and a big sign saying, "God's Spot." We always wondered what was in the sealed casket. I think I remember talk about his hand was thrown free of the wreckage and they used fingerprints and his dental records to positively identify him. Another interesting fact, Howard talked about hearing beautiful music when he was up in his plane. His buddies and other people we asked have not had this experience. I'll look up the place his plane went down if you have time, interest, and whereweithal to inquire. More than likely anyone old enough to remember the event has died. Bob never wanted to talk about anything in the past. When I would question him he would always defend his silence saying it was better not to dig old memories out. I tend not to agree with him, but he rarely answered any questions I would ask.

I don't know how Mother knew it, but she always said we were related to Kathryn Howard (once a queen in England) who was beheaded by, I think it was King George that beheaded some of his wives?

What happens in a psych evaluation and why do you think you did not do well? Keep in mind there is a perfect job for you just waiting for you to fill it.

Love, Aunt M:

Here is a link to Catherine Howard. I like it spelled with a K better.

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