Friday, November 27, 2009

One Of My Aces: My Dad

I am going to turn this around and I'm going to get my Dad to help me.

They don't hold "all of the cards" and instead, just thought they did, because my own attorney even thinks I'm totally isolated with no one, NO ONE, helping me financially.

After I start showing my Dad some of the things that have been done to me, and give account for how I've been blacklisted in this town, with evidence, I might get better support. He actually thinks I've done "nothing" in the last several months, as if I'm just sitting around, when for the last 4 months I have sent out tons of applications and applied for work and then for housing, to no avail. He has no idea how hard I've tried to get even a dishwashing job. Now, since I'm getting unemployment, it makes no sense to settle for a very low-wage job when I could look for something better while getting unemployment coverage.

I know some people are coming forward for me, to support me and to support me with financial means.

My Mom and Dad have been lied to.

My Mom might not care, the way her side has treated me, but in the end, my Dad will care.

I want my son back.

You can start with increasing my visitation with my son.

You can also get the talks going again, about strategy and whether it is REALLY in anyones best interests, to have my reputation so smeared and my civil rights so trampled, all in the name of revenge and hatred and politics.

And no, I'm not alone.

My first step now, is because of what was done to my son in the last hearing, I'm going forward to the newspaper I spoke of.

My second step, is to tell my public defender to make a motion for appeal of the last hearing and orders. He had ZERO time to prepare, made ZERO written defense for me, and based on the consequences of following the Judge's orders, I should be allowed an independent psychological evaluation before tossing my entire life and opportunities down the drain.

I feel better this morning. Last night was a killer, but even early this morning, I felt more like 100%. I feel really good. Bad vibe gone.

UPDATE: All state and legal offices are closed today, but I went over anyway, with a hand-written release of information, to have my psych eval results released to my Dad. I dropped one off at the law offices and one at the state offices of CPS which had workers in today so I slipped it under the door.

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