Friday, November 27, 2009

Sniper: Veteran's Coverage for PTSD

It was fine until about 2:30 p.m., but then I was talking to someone about being a veteran of war. I don't have the strong positive vibe right now.

I wouldn't name anyone of course, or give out personal information about this, but it got me thinking about how the U.S. could change a law or two on their coverage of military medical coverage.

This guy worked in the military in very high risk work and after over 10 years got a dishonorable discharge for a bad UA. This was after serving so long and then going to Desert Storm too.

He told me some things he's been through and it all sounds like PTSD but he got diagnosed with just "severe depression". I believe his depression is secondary to PTSD, because it's not some chemical disorder really, but the suffering from actual events that any normal person could be depressed by.

The PROBLEM is, that because he doesn't qualify for Veteran's insurance, he hasn't been seen by anyone who really knows PTSD and is able to diagnose properly. He went to "the best guy in town" who seems to be really popular, but both I and this man "know" his root issue is PTSD.

So I am thinking the U.S. should really screen all their military, like they do FBI in undercover work, on a regular basis, WHILE they're in the military and then afterwards. AND, I think the cost-risk-benefits of even covering D&D military in mental health and physical health, make a good argument for Veteran's coverage. Everyone benefits from it, and it helps people to be productive and ensures the safety of others as well.

We could even look at it this way: Do we REeeeaally want a bunch of former gun-men/women who are high octane and have PTSD running around without any assistance? how is THAT good for anybody? I mean, the majority suffer in silence and are no harm to anyone, but some of them, go into domestic violence, or over-react to situations because of their training and PTSD. I think they should all be covered. I think if America heard such an argument, we would all vote "yes". Umm, and no, I don't want to be President of the United States. Hmm, that would be a funny post. I should think up a campaign.

What was sort of funny is that I told him how I can "feel" eyes on the back of me even when I have no idea someone is looking at me, and he laughed. Then, I caught him TESTING this! lol. :) So funny. I turned, and there he was. He'd come back in and as soon as I turned, he quickly pretended like he wasn't. Now HE knows I'm not nuts or lying. I don't think I do it ALL the time, but it happens a lot.

I told him about this, which is something everyone has experienced I think, you turn and find someone is already staring...But I told him about it because he told me he was employed in the military as a sniper. He got really high grades as a marksman early on.

So I told him I knew there were snipers and then "look-out" people who assist the sniper in scouting things out. Then I told him, joking, it would seem I am sometimes good at picking up or intuiting being watched.
On a side note, what is strange is that this morning, before I met this guy and knew what he used to do, I was thinking about someone who is a sniper, and then this other guy showed up.

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