Monday, November 30, 2009

"The Queen" with Mirren

Watched it last night.

I thought it was pretty good. Interesting at least.

I didn't like the music cho9en for the scene with the motorcycles chasing after Dodi and Di's car in Paris--too circus-like or something.

There were a few moments which seemed slightly overdone or melodramatic. But in all, it was good.

I didn't actually think they were so "cold", the royals, because actually, I can sort of relate. I mean, my own parents, after I was held hostage, said, "Aren't you coming to the BBQ later? I mean, the danger has passed and everything is fine now, isn't it?" So I know what reservation is like.

It wasn't wrong they wanted a private ceremony but it was right they came out after all that attention. I felt sorry for the Queen.

The movie cut out at the part where the giant stag comes in. We couldn't get about 2 or 3 minutes to work.

The one thing I disagree with, is that I do not believe those boys should have had to walk along in the funeral procession.

I think everything else was right, but if it were ever an issue again, I think everyone should respect the rights of children and young teens, to mourn for their parents in private. They shouldn't have had to go out there. Some of what they were made to do may have been good for closure, but that part had to be traumatic. I wouldn't want my own son to do that, unless he was almost a grown man and chose this himself.

I don't think the family really wanted this either but it was pretty much recommended. It's the one part I think was wrong.

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