Monday, November 30, 2009

My Son Complains His Eyes Hurt

We had a good visit today, as usual. He said a couple things that concerned me, about pain and his eyes. He's been talking about his eyes hurting or 'something in my eye' for at least 4 months.

Wouldn't it be disastrous if one of my son's bilateral choroid tumors that showed up on ultrasound, and were never followed up on, were worsening?

He constantly talks about something in his eye hurting. HE brings this up,, not me. But he is saying his eyes are hurting at night, and he gets scared so he closes his eyes. Meanwhile, he and his aunt and I notice he's had dark circles under his eyes for awhile.

In particular, he pulls at his right eye and says "I got something in my eye" and his eyes tear up and he'll rub them for a long time. For awhile I was wondering if he just wanted to cry, but someone told him crying wasn't okay, so instead, if he tears up, he says "I got somethingn in my eye" instead. This has happened a few times, where it looks like he's about to cry and then he'll shrug it off, saying "I got something in my eye". He does it a lot. Too often for it to be an eyelash or something. One time he said his eye hurt while we were playing even.

I have never ever, not once, suggested ANYTHING about his eyes. Never. But he brings this all up on his own.

Something needs to be checked out with him, and like I said SO LONG AGO, he should have had an MRI to rule out speech issues from his head injury, rule out development of any of the choroid cysts, and just make sure he's okay. Canada was going to do this, and Wenatchee CPS has stubbornly refused to allow any kind of normal follow up for stuff.

Imagine the liability that will be on the state's hands if they don't start taking things seriously. What if something IS wrong and has continued to develop, and here they've just claimed there are no problems and it gets worse? major, huge, liability. Maybe since they're trying so hard to keep him with people who they know won't sue, they don't care. My son could even die or be disabled and they know no one would look out for like his mother. Maybe keeping evidence of some kind of head issue is part of this whole thing, to claim he didn't suffer at birth and that there was no "choroid cyst" issue they "forgot" to follow up on.

My son is repeatedly saying there is something in his eye, and that his eyes hurt, and he's particularly scared at night while lying down, and he's losing weight. He's been sick on top of it and had 104 degree temps.

Either my son is having some kind of issue at night, or he is having a serious medical issue which should be examined, by people outside of the Wenatchee area, at this point. He should be examined at Children's. But no one will advocate for him like his mother will. Instead, I'm called "paranoid" and a "hypochondriac". If something continues to happen with my son, and it is not investigated medically, there will be a MAJOR, MAJOR, lawsuit. If I am not the guardian, I can still sue for civil action or for negligence and obstruction of justice.

It may be that he's having nightmares and crying a lot and is told not to cry and to pretend he has "something in my eye" but he could also be suffering from some kind of intracranial pressure or something which causes pain in his head and around his eyes.

Not only that, both my aunt and I have noticed his appetite is not stable or consistent. And today, my son burped and it smelled like vomit. I asked him if he'd been throwing up and he didn't seem to know what that was. The monitor said she didn't know of any throwing up but maybe he had sour milk in his stomach.

I am not paranoid, I just want to make sure my son is taken care of, and now he's old enough to express things that are going on, which cause him pain or bother him. I don't put ideas in his head. I tell him, in general, to let me know if something is wrong, but I don't suggest things and try to get him repeat it.

Aside from being thin, and still having a cold, and his eyes bothering him still, we had a very good visit. He had one moment where he reverted to baby behavior, but I noticed it was in play and after I corrected him on something. Oh, no, actually, he wanted to get up and I was trying to move my coffee first and he thought I was just restraining him and he began to act out. He was pretending, but aside from that, our visit went really well and he was happy to be with me and I with him.

I am listening

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