Friday, November 6, 2009

Reason To Be Upset--Theft

I was upset last night for good reason. Someone stole from me again, on top of other things. I will have to report it to police. It happened at Safeway. Someone stole the lithium battery for my laptop from my purse.

In addition to this, one woman went out of her way to be extremely rude and harass me without cause, and another two individuals who said they could take me around to look at apartments so I can finally get into something bailed on me when I need to sign a lease by tomorrow hopefully. It was another last minute let down and I tried to call someone else but no one could do it last minute.

A couple of other good things happened, but slowly.

I don't always report it when my things are stolen but I'm going to be sure to report each and every incident from now on.

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