Thursday, November 5, 2009

Major Problems With Hotchkiss & Gang & Princess Diana Refs?

I called my ex and then hung up abruptly after telling him about how things are "going" in Wenatchee. We have discussed getting back together but I'm not going to do anything when I am being squeezed and pressured into total poverty and those involved with the state offices are not doing their own share of GIVE and take. I am not going to instantly jump into a marriage with someone I haven't even seen in person for several months either, and I suppose I may never be married at all, because if the state tries to terminate my rights and my family doesn't begin to HELP support me getting him back, why would I have ANYTHING to do with my time except fight, fight, fight, to dig up evidence and just give everyone a major headache until I get Oliver back? I will have NOTHING left to lose or to do with myself, than to keep fighting for my son. I am not giving up on getting him into my full custody, ever, and what I have been HOPING for is some peace and smoothing things over. Judge Hotchkiss deciding not to even pay for a lawyer with state funds for me, is sort of the last straw. I am still not digging up evidence about this case, simply because I'm trying to work things out with everyone. But not providing me with a lawyer and then not even state funds??? is more than highly suspicious.

I finally called some newspapers. I only decided to call papers about what's going on with my custody case, when I found out, just TODAY that NOW Judge Hotchkiss has decided I don't even get to find my own lawyer for the state rate pay of $90/hr.

I have been called "mentally ill" and hung up on the hearing that decided what happened with my son, and then I was expected, as a "mentally ill" woman, to be my own pro se representation for OVER A YEAR. THEN, when I came back, I was told I don't get any lawyer from public defense but the Judge said if I found one on my own who was willing to take the case, then they would pay that person the state rate. Well, THAT person voluntarily withdrew and that's on the record, and because she withdrew, I had a right to try to find someone else.

But no, now Judge Hotchkiss wants to punish me further, and further jeopardize my case, by letting me know, just TODAY, that they are not even going to pay any attorney I might find, the state rate of $90/hr.

I called volunteer attorneys and they had consulted with the Judge's offices about what I told them, about MY idea of appearing pro se with a lawyer on the side to assist and receive the state rate, and NOW, all of a sudden, the court is intimidated with the idea that I might represent myself with MONEY backing me. So, the NEW idea, is that I MIGHT be able to get PART TIME (if that) help from a volunteer attorney, but I was told just today that this will not even happen, and I can't even sit down to meet with someone until November 19, which is just a few days before the next hearing, where the state has been wanting to terminate my rights all along.

Not only that, along with totally abnormal stalling and delay on my unemployment claim,

the social services offices in Spokane had someone suspend my ability to get FOOD, because they claimed they needed a Wenatchee residential address. I already gave them my P.O. Box office number, and told them I was inbetween places. The State of Washington does not NEED a permanent residential address in order to give someone food assistance. They do this with people who are totally living on the STREET, all the time. I mean, there are guys who don't even live in homeless shelters, and they still have a card for food assistance. They are saying it was quit because I failed to provide proof of a residential address when they already knew and I TOLD THEM, I was still looking for a place and inbetween places and that my P.O. Box office was the regular address for now.

Just 2 months ago, I was trying to get into college, and filling out the FAFSA online, and all of a sudden, I couldn't get ANYWHERE because someone kept going in and changing my password over and over, and changing my answers. I had to have someone print out the full thing for me.

There are some individuals who don't want me to be on my feet in ANY way, shape, or form. They have tried to prevent me from getting college monies, from unemployment monies, from legal assistance monies, from housing, from WORK...from my SON...what else???

I wonder at what kind of people wish to SUPPORT individuals like this, who go to such lengths. I mean, time for a frickin' mutiny I would think.

WHO is it, that hates me and my son so much, that they would bend over backwards to interrupt and obstruct my access to anything normal at all, and who would choose TO HARM me and my son besides?!

It's been very interesting in this town lately, and I have realized a few things. That doesn't mean I'm willing to share any ideas. What it means, is that if it comes down to it, as it appears, I am digging up all the evidence I haven't put forth so far, which means all of the medical evidence I have which shows my defense is exactly as it was, and was right, and that there is nothing wrong with me and others had something to cover up.

On another note. Cafe Mela seems so bare without those paintings up, doesn't it? I mean, what happened? Did someone buy them all at once? I liked how the one wall had only paintings of fish and VW bugs and fishing poles or whatever, and how the other side of the wall had paintings of bulls and cowboys. They were really colorful and sort of a nice dichotomy. I don't know who would buy them up all at once.

As for housing, I found all the addresses I was being pointed to had something sort of in common with...ahhhh! geezz, thanks you Guuuuuys! princess diana.

The place on castlerock. My own little castle.
The place on Devon. Yeah, noted.
The place on...

Oh, and not to mention, the strangest thing, is that I dared look her up again recently, right after I met this ENGLISH woman, with a completely ENGLISH accent, driving by me slowly and taking notice of me, I looked up Diana in her own words and read the transcript from Panorama. Do you know what she SAYS? She says, she didn't know WHICH SIDE OF THE ROAD TO WALK ON.

The interviewer seems totally puzzled. He asks her what that's supposed to mean.

I'm starting to wonder WHAT IN THE HELL THE WORLD HAS COME TO.

Was Diana referring to not knowing what to do in general, or was she actually referring to the same thing some people are putting ME through now, as a joke or not, without telling me what any of it is about?

Read the transcript. She was making a reference, I now believe.

I want a frickin' attorney. Period. Judge Hotchkiss needs to get his act together and I was JUST recently DEFENDING HIM. I said, no, we don't need to request a new judge, because this is fine, and maybe he's there for a reason. SOME reason. TO SCREW ME AND MY SON OVER? I mean, since when does he decide to retract the state payment for another lawyer? Since the idea that my representing MYSELF, with a little money backing me, is frightening and might provide me with an accurate diagnosis and my own independent mental health eval? with money for copies of things? with?

I'm fed up. I want a lawyer, and NO, I do not want a lawyer, or to just 'talk to one', 4 days before the next hearing, only to find out they're not even going to represent me.

I really don't want to dig into dirt, but I am still requesting COMPLIANCE with normal civil procedure!

And no, I'm not being paranoid or schtizo...I have people POINTING things out to me on purpose. It has nothing to do with me thinking everything is Princess Diana when people are pointing it OUT to me. Even leaving books out for me about her and about Marilyn Monroe and "reminding" me of their demise.

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