Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Visit With Son

Last Monday he was in good spirits, but a little tired and he didn't eat much. But he was happy to visit and we played and read a lot of books. Backyardigans and Dora the Explorer. He wanted me to read this one called "Kindness" which was sort of preachy and had no pictures and he said, after hearing a lecture about "The Golden Rule", "I don't want that one!" I think he's pretty kind already anyway. He tried to play Scrabble in his own way, putting the letters on top of the board and naming ones he knew.

Then today he ate a lot, and the monitor noticed he was using his left hand to hold an eating utensil the whole time, but after she and I commented, he said he wanted to eat something else and he then used his OTHER hand, the right one, to hold a spoon. I don't know if he did this, just to show us he was going to use the OTHER hand now! So first he had his caramel using his left hand unconsciously (a container of caramel with a spoon) and then he insisted on eating his yogurt using his RIGHT hand.

He wanted to play a new game that was out, "Hi-Ho Cherry-o" and aside from eating, it was the first thing we did. We played the Cherry-o game and then he wanted to read books and sit on my lap. Then he was listening to a book that makes music and a CASA guy came in and he was social and talked about climbing the trees on the wall so Rob lifted him up and it was really cute, and then he wanted to be in the clouds. I helped him with the tree later but couldn't get him as high and then he just wanted to hug me and have me hold him.

He made faces and did some drama, looking at himself in the mirror. The day before I'd let him apply make-up to my face but today I told him he could just look into the mirror and see his expressions and he was fine with that. The time before, I had a ton of make-up all over my face. He painted my lips with a tan face make up and wanted to put some on himself but I told him to decorate me instead.

He also wanted to be sure to say hello to the guard who is always there and kept saying, "Where's LEE??" and wanted to make sure he could greet him. I have always thought he really loves people so much. He's pretty social and friendly and hates to see anyone go and he remembers everyone's names.

He stalled again, in leaving, but didn't say "I'm sorry" and didn't seem to think it was because he'd done something wrong. But he looked worried again, because he knows it's the longer period now where we don't see eachother for several days and he looked concerned and blew kisses, but first did this whole "be sure to pick all the cherries mama" thing.

When we were playing the game, he pretended to eat them and I was eating them at one point too, but we hadn't even played the game or referred to it for an hour and a half and the thing he chose to say to me was this "pick all the cherries off of the trees and eat them Mama." It was really cute. Hi-ho Cherry-o is a game where you put cherries on the tree and then spin an arrow to take them off and fill your bucket. Lots of orchard games and books in this town! lol.

Oh, he played with play-dough and some other things too. He wanted pieces of an apple cut up for him and there was no knife so he tried to use a plastic spoon and then told me to use it so I carved out pieces of apple with a spoon.

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