Friday, December 18, 2009

Afghanistan Mother's Message

Well, I thought I'd write about something I know nothing about. Which isn't very wise, but just my ideas, about the war in afghanistan. I read the clip about the mother who urges other mothers to encourage their children to fight for Jihad. In American eyes, this is ghastly, and is portrayed as asking ones kids to fight and die while the mothers stand by.

I have another view, which is slightly different, and I still wonder if there is any way at all that they can have their space and leave others alone and vice versa. If some group wants to demolish the entire world unless all others convert, that's wrong, but everyone should be allowed their views, in general.

First of all, when she says "children" she doesn't mean boys and girls. The thing is, only boys and men are allowed to fight. Also, most middle eastern countries treat their children as adults long before Americans do...they are "men" by age 12 or so and marry earlier, etc. They are raised, at younger ages, to take on more responsibilities. But this woman says to encourage children to love Allah and fight for jihaad.

I think the message was issued by Al-Quada because some families don't want to put children in the line of fire and maybe some are thinking about whether this is right, to sacrifice kids to the war. They may be feeling it's immoral to use kids or assault other kids or target them or use them. So the mother comes out with this message. Which, makes me wonder if Al-Quada believes the retaliataion or war against them is a war on their religion and not for peace or another country's sustainability.

I don't know very much. Do they want to destroy the whole world unless people agree with them? or do they just want a small part of land to raise their families in peace without pressure?

I don't really know what the fight is about anymore because now it just seems like it's anger and fighting eye for eye.

If an end is to be made to the fighting, additional troops makes sense, and I guess the idea of gradual increase is to give time for surrender or something. I don't think you will get a surrender though. If it's for religious beliefs, people will fight to the death, if they sincerely hold their beliefs.

I don't know if these two sides even talk to eachother at all. What is it that they want? and what do we want?

The people who are in Al-Quada are in it because they want to be, I think. There are plenty of opportunities, and more than enough pressure, to go to the other side and I think most who are in choose to be there because of sincerely held religious beliefs. What's not okay is to terrorize others if they are different, but also, they deserve to have their own space to practice their religion as they feel called to do, as long as it is respectful of human life.

Maybe some of them need a safe chance to choose. Maybe some feel pressured from one side or the other and they can't choose for themselves because they are afraid. It's too bad.

I do not believe gradually increasing troops will result in any kind of surrender. It will either be that they are repressed entirely or some kind of deal about land use or space is worked out and people stick to it.

I also think the message is to others that they are not afraid of what will happen to their kids. That they are willing to allow the death or harm of their own kids, in order to sacrifice for a martyrdom and what they think is right. If they truly believe in jihaad and paradise, they are focusing on the idea of their kids in paradise forever rather than what temporal harm will come to them. But aside from relgion, they are also demonstrating they will not change their ideology because of the threat of harm to their kids.

Hmm, I just looked up saw the headline for The Nation "The Secret US War In Pakistan" and I'll have to read this, now that I'm thinking about this.

I really feel that while America should be safe, and Al Quada should have their beliefs respected too, with mutual peace, I feel all the attention overseas has really drained resources for things that are cropping up within the U.S. which are as great a danger or moreso. The U.S. needs to keep an eye on what is occuring within its own boundaries as well as outside of them.

However, all that said, it does give people a chance, maybe, to stabilize. If additional troops go in for more peacekeeping, it would be a good idea. I had the phrase of increased troops come to mind before I ever saw Obama go through with this idea. It couldn't go on as it was and if withdraw meant more devastation, it is better to provide an enormous amount of support to try to allow for stabilization. Also, from what I am now reading, it may be that more training in government or social services and structure is needed.

It would be good if some kind of peace could be acheived without adding these troops. If there is a way, I hope there is, peace should be a goal.

If the only reason for the war is oil and not protection of others, I don't believe it's justified. I want a car and I miss having my car in a town like this where it's hard to get around. However, some sacrifices could be made perhaps, in what we need for energy, for the sake of peace.

In a way, Al Quada, if it is for religion, shows some measure of integrity if they are choosing to follow their beliefs, but the idea is that these ideas shouldn't encroach on the safety of the rest of the world as we also try not to encroach on theirs.

I have seen harm occur to both me and my son and I don't know why, on a personal note. It does no good to try to send me a "message" if I don't know what the message is supposed to mean, or understand what I'm being pressured to do. Not only that, if it is a pressure that is exerted against my conscience, when my son is out of my care, there is little I am able to do to protect him. If my son were in my care, I would protect him myself at risk of death. I would do whatever I could do, and still try as I can. But first of all, I don't understand what the motive or intention is.

I know that some people desperately want me to be diagnosed as mentally ill in a way that would discredit me, but I still don't know why. I don't know what it is that I've said before that would necessitate this. I have, never in my life, harmed a child. I wouldn't do it and it surprises me that there are some who go after kids to get to the parent or out of jealousy or something. It is in this situation that I feel, if peace is not accomplished, when it's been so sought after, that justice is merited. People who bully individuals should be scrutinized.

On a very basic level, if it is only about the medical issues, I don't know why this should be grounds for such persecution and harassment.

haha. I just got an ad for marrying a beautiful woman from moldova. I guess if I blog about politics and war, the ad people think I'm a man. lol.

Anyway, I don't know anything about the conflict really so I am not qualified to speak about it very much at all. I'm just thinking out loud. Maybe I'll read more about the subject.

One thing, is that I don't believe children should be used as pawns. Children shouldn't be manipulated for the agenda of adults. Kids have free will and choice and should be given the freedom to make of their lives, what they would will. It is the responsibility of adults to discover strengths and weaknesses and encourage children in their own pursuits but they shouldn't be forced to do anything that is not in accordance with their own consciences. They should also not be the focus of another adult's dreams or aspirations but allowed to discover themselves and be their own person.

I believe kids deserve much more respect and credit for their beliefs and consciences and abilities, than we give them in general. Kids should be allowed to be kids and play freely and not have to worry about the things adults are concerned with, and at the same time, they should be encouraged to explore and make opinions and come into their own. Kids think very deeply, more than we assume, and they have rights which should be respected. They are not an extension of the parent but a gift from God, a gift to cherish, protect, and guide. I also don't agree with the competitive spirit some parents take, in comparing their child with other children and feel when there is jealousy or disregard for a child, it is often the result of the ego of the parent or guardian. It is very important to keep the egos and the free will of parents, separate from their children and how they treat the children of other adults they may not like. Children are not to be "used" for the agendas of adults but should be respected as an individual, plain and simple. Children have a voice and it should be heard. I think, a lot of times, about that expression "to find ones voice" and I think it's there, when we're unconcerned as kids, and then it gets repressed as we get older and are sometimes forced into a mold we're not suited for or don't really want. I think we have our voice when we're young, which isn't listened to very much, or in an important way, and then we all tend to lose it and some of us are lucky enough to find it again and allow that voice to be rediscovered.

It's said that people who really hate someone, will go after what's most dear: their families and children. But imagine a world where children are taken hostage as POWs and tortured, simply to punish the parents and put pressure on them. Is this showing strength or a way to gain respect of others? Imagine jails and camps full of only children in chains, and imagine what God thinks about that. One child has worth in the eyes of God, as much as a group. God will leave the flock of sheep to search after and find the lost or endangered lamb. That is the heart of God. Children are not weapons of war.

Conversely, peace should always be pursued, for the same reason--that these same children love and adore their parents (most cases, and all over the world) and shouldn't be orphaned or suffer separation from their parents because of the agenda's of adults.

When peace is impossible or the safety of children is only accomplished through war, this is justification but it should be the priority of adults all over the world, to protect and respect the children.

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