Friday, December 18, 2009

Unemployment Claim Problems

I've been told it would be impossible to get work here. So far, this has been true. Then, I was told it would be impossible to get unemployment monies in the state of Washington because some would try to screw it up for me. So far, well...I wonder.

I filed my claim in August. It is now mid-December and nothing. I called to find out what was being done about collecting wages from Washington D.C. and this wasn't even initiated until November. That's 3 months after I filed for unemployment.

I have enough hours and wages for a claim. So it's all been a horrendous wait.

It has been a month and a half since the wages were supposed to be requested from D.C. I was told they would request them from D.C. and if they didn't have any (which WA already knew by the first month, in September, because I checked then and they were telling me D.C. reported they had no wages) they would request them directly from D.C.

I called my place of employ in D.C. and my former supervisor told me someone had called or requested hours a long time ago, but not wages, and she sent out a statement because that's all they asked for. I said, "Someone asked about hours but not wages?" and she said yes. One has to have both for making a claim, and there isn't a record anyone in D.C. called so it seems like somebody just called or requested them out of curiosity and then did nothing.

So, all this stalling. I called the D.C. unemployment offices myself to find out what they had and they told me they had absolutely nothing and no record of any contact about me at all.

So I called Washington state again, and requested the name of the interstate person who works on getting wages. They requested stubs but they're all in storage out of way and they said they're able to get wages directly from the employer if not through the state system, which doesn't always automatically receive things.

They wouldn't give me the name of the interstate guy. Actually, I found, the guy who is handling this said he'd pass it to someone else but it hasn't gone to anyone else. It's still been sitting with him but he hasn't received any new information. So I got his ID number which is 747.

He was very nice when I spoke with him but I don't know why there is this delay. A simple letter could have gone out to the place of business, or a phone call made, and there's no excuse for all this delay, in my opinion.

Things are backed up, but they are not taking as long as my claim is taking.

This is now going on 5 months waiting. I just talked to a woman who got her unemployment check within 1 week. I said that this was fast and she replied, "We're union." So if one is "union" you lget a check in a week and if you're NOT with a "union" one has endless delay?

So basically, now I have to bother my supervisor and get the wages from her directly, which she said she'd do and had if I needed them but I figured no, I don't want to bother her and the state will make the request and everything will be fine.

I also found out, that while I have missed filing a weekly claim more than once, because I forgot, I discovered a week ago, that several weeks where I filed by phone, from the Wenatchee Worksource offices, the information didn't get added to my claim and it said I had not filed when I did. I didn't hang up the phone until I heard "Your claim has been accepted". The woman I spoke with, 614, said it should have come through if I had really filed. I said I had filed and said, "I even remember the music that was playing when I had to wait on hold before I filed." So she just said I would have to backclaim for these weeks that never made it on, for whatever reason.

I have to try to resolve this within the week. It's been FIVE MONTHS. I am sure there is a little delay this time of year and with all the intake, but i really do not think the delay is as bad for anyone else as it's been for me, and there's been no reason or excuse for it. They knew what the situation was that first month in August and what was needed. I gave them all the information then.

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