Saturday, December 5, 2009

Bono Gives Blessings To God

Wow. Just found this. That, right there, is warfare. Warfare against negativity and war itself. I love watching Bono. This beginning makes me think of King David, playing unto the Lord.

Music is and will always be, powerful, and can accomplish great and miraculous things.

I started feeling like I needed to hear some worship music and I typed in worship and this was the first thing that came up. It is amazing. I think I will be listening to it all night.

I heard the recession is turning around which is maybe why the energy felt better to me, in general, someone told me today, it's turning around. I think it would be wonderful if we had an economic recovery and an emotional and spiritual one as well. A sort of revival, giving thanks to God for the good things in our lives and remembering Him. Remembering priorities. I hear this and it's all good energy.

Then I went down the playlist and am now listening to the others. I think I needed this. I hope it means something to others too, to hear some of this music. It's good for the soul.

I just found out U2 has an album titled "How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb" and I don't know it, but really cool, the name. To name an album of music like this. I found this one too. I listened to "Draw Me Close To You" and then found another song I like, "Yahweh".

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