Saturday, December 5, 2009

UK Psychic Site Bans Diana Discussion

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Disappointing. What a crock. I ended up in a chat for "psychics" or those interested, and it happens to be uk oriented and someone brought up diana and visiting london. This "administrator" gets on and decides to shut down conversation of whether diana was high maintenance or not, claiming it's disrespectful. This, from a site that has mediums consulting spirits of the dead. He said, "Let's just say Diana is very english and wouldn't want to be discussed."

My eyebrows up, I clicked out. Diana is very "english". How ridiculous. You could call up Gengis-Khan in that room and anyone from any country all over the world, but one guy has a problem with people talking about whether she was low-key or more of a fashion plate and what we think about the media.

Not going back to that site. It was just one administrator, but it's hogwash.

What was odd, is that everything being said was more complimentary torwards her and critical of the media. We were starting to talk about whether we thought she was high maintenance or not and what the media's role was in everything. All of a sudden, the guy is wanting to shut it down. Meanwhile, conversation about miscarriage, death, spirits, and all sort of discussion about "the dead" is going on and no notice.

That was my first experience with a psychic site. It was free, to whomever wanted to write in. It's not a bad site, not at all. But who are the administrators?

I snuck in my last two cents, and then wrote "I've had my say. Goodnight."


  1. Shame you ought to give it another try. The admin is pretty strict but it has to be because of the nature of the topics discussed.

    The general rule is that we try not to censor content or other people's ideas... so long as they are not offensive etc.



    PS you put the wrong URL. It is

  2. Hmm,

    I tried to post a comment someone sent but it's not working.

    I did go back and try again and had fun, no problems.

    Except THEN, I got bumped off and lost the connection and it's been impossible to get back. It's a computer thing on my end I know, but I can't get through trying with 2 different computers, even after I changed my password. :( will keep trying.

    And thanks to Craig, as well.
