Saturday, December 5, 2009

My Computer Thinks I'm Diana

Had to post about a quirk.

My computer thinks I'm Princess Di.

I guess. Well, it's not that I believe a computer has a mind of its own, but it's strange that I got ads directed to me which have nothing to do with my browsing habits.

Yesterday, I was in my hotmail account and every single ad that came up was for "colon cleansing" and "colonic remedies". I have never, in my life, looked up colon cleansing.

I wasn't emailing about it either and I was in my email account. The only thing I did on my computer, was look up a couple things about Di after I read the article by Charles Spencer, the one about saving "the estate" from extinction (rule 1: marry well or don't marry at all, GOT IT Harry & Will & future progeniteurs?!).

Anyway, I didn't click on even one health item, and nothing about Di that mentioned colon treatments but all of a sudden, a mixture of psychic and colon remedies.

Well, it's certaintly better than the other ads I was getting, about a mother dying with a little boy kneeling at the tombstone, or of a father dying with a young woman kneeling, or of a kid being jangled about in a carseat, or of the rat ad. Glad I haven't seen the rat ad in awhile, I must say.

I swear to God, it must be that someone famous has an interest in me and all the forces of heaven and hell are at war. Wouldn't it be fun to write as if it's really all about me and how so many things are being put in my way to prevent me from fulfilling a destiny some couldn't stomach? it would be a good story.

Sometimes, though, I feel more like Bella from the Twilight series, than even Diana at times. I mean, come ON, have you...oh, I don't know. It's like, I should be cashing in on the story of my own life, not Ms. Meyers!

(I am playing in fun)

Thinking again, maybe it is not just that someone sort of important (in some way) has noticed me, maybe I am actually important in my own right, for some reason that I do or don't know about yet.

Last night I talked to some people in a psychic chat, about what to do if I get an impression about things. You really don't know who you're talking to is the problem but some said to write it down and not try to find the meaning right away but let it come to you, more in detail. Which is probably a good idea. The locket thing was what bothered me the other day.

I feel very sympathetic for her family too. A lot of people died under mysterious circumstances and it's really horrible. As rigid as her brother's article was, I have a soft spot for him too. He has seen a lot.

There has been less of the very sad or bad feeling I was getting but I know things are not good for everyone. Not even for me really, but that empathy thing has really evened out. I wonder if part of it is that my son is feeling better? If he really isn't having problems with his eye anymore, and is sleeping okay, then this would be a good reason to feel better I think.

Really, God bless all those who try to look out for my son. Anything that has been done and can be done, to keep him safe and make him happy, I'm so thankful for.

Hmm, wait. It's google too. I just got another ad for colon cleansing. Oh, but I have written about it now, so that makes sense. But I got these ads from google too, yesterday.

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