Saturday, December 5, 2009

Oliver's Eyes "Better" For Now & Visitation

I asked how Oliver's eyes are doing and supposedly, he's not fussing with them at all. He's been playing and happy.

So I'm glad to hear this, however, I have to see how he acts in visits because sometimes what I'm told is different from what he says.

I am going to get statements from the Avila's in support for increasing telephone visitation with my son and for increased visitation period. If they have any problem with this, it will clear then, what I'm dealing with and how honest they are about wanting my son to have what HE wants and not what THEY want (to adopt him out from under me).

So, I'm getting what I can, in writing. There is no excuse for the delay in increased visitation.

If Oliver is transitioned smoothly, and visits are increased, there should be no problems for anyone and everything will be under control and resolved. If I should have any problems with getting my son back, there will be a fight.

And my son WILL know, and appreciate what I've done, and there is no way, after he is aware of the truth and my efforts, that he will be "thanking" anyone for the things that have been done to his mother and to prevent him from getting what he wanted.

I am the only one to even look out for him, and notice, about his eyes being an issue. And I only get 4 hours a week with him.

He is 3 1/2 years old and should be in preschool, and other activities, and no one makes the effort to do this for him.

I asked what he was doing today and I guess he was playing earlier, or had one book read to him, and then my cousin said he wanted to watch "The Lion King" which is great...but I have to ask how much television he's seeing. Kids his age shouldn't be watching hours of boob tube a day. It's more like 1/2 hour to an hour at the most, or an occasional movie. I get the feeling he watches a TON of t.v.

My cousin said I could not speak with my son over the phone because my aunt wasn't there and she didn't want it to happen when she wasn't around.

She's decided, all on her own, that Oliver may speak to me IF he so-happens to pick it up when I call (which has been twice only). My son always wants to talk to me. He gets excited and surprised.

But my aunt and CPS are both reasons why my telephone visitation was blocked. My aunt COMPLAINED to CPS about ME after I said, from the East Coast, that I didn't want her to yell at me in front of my son because he could hear. I said I was going to mention this to CPS, to correct her since she kept doing it, and then she went to them and they decided to gang up against me and have my son's entire right to talk to me taken away. It hasn't been reinstated since.

If my aunt and uncle are supportive of me and my rights and my son's rights, I want to see that in writing.

My aunt has been a little bit better about writing a short note to let me know how he's doing. I wanted to know about his eyes and she wrote back. I will know, in the next couple of visits, if my son still needs further diagnostics. I believe he does, regardless of his eyes still being an issue or not, because he's still having speech issues.

His speech issues and past medical history of cysts which were not followed up, and of his head injury, warrant an MRI to determine what kind of speech therapy or services he might benefit from. He's very smart, but he has difficulties still. I still remember lying in bed with him, when it first began, and he would look at me with this big eyes and I would tell him, "Honey, I know you don't understand why you can't say what you want to say anymore. I know you're trying to talk like you used to, and it's hard, but don't worry okay? Mama is trying to find a doctor who will help you." He would stare at me, his eyes wide with relief, and nod his head yes, and clutch my hand. My son was scared over why HE couldn't say what he needed and wanted to say. He knew he'd been able to, and he didn't go "mute", he was trying to say things and it came out scrambled.

But there was nothing like that contact and connection. My son "knew" just as I knew, that there was a problem, and he looked to me to help him. I am the only one, who has ever constantly looked out for his needs and correctly ascertained what the problem was.

There is no way in hell, that even a baby forgets that. He had 24/7 with me and still, to this day, wants to be with his own mother rather than the Avila's or anyone else. You cannot break that kind of a bond.

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