Sunday, December 27, 2009

Dream and Impressions

I didn't have any images yesterday. I read in the tub again, and looked up Di stuff and in this one book I read William had said he knew something was wrong that one night because he couldn't sleep. I don't know if it's true or not. However, right before I fell asleep I thought "William is psychic." But that's just from a normal thought process, to think something after reading it. I think maybe it's happened more than once with him though. Men are harder to find, who will admit to it. And of course the future King isn't going to broadcast to the world, "I am a little bit psychic." Right. And disaster follows. Next thing you know, he's charactured (msp). Maybe you could say the same thing but use different words. Harry may be as well. Who knows.

One interesting thing happened this morning. Last night I was talking with some people in a chat and one person said she had a dream that blank pieces of paper fell from a bookcase and this is the first thing that happened this morning after I sat down at the computer. It's probably coincidence, but I sat down and was bouncing my legs, while sitting in a chair cross-legged, to "Can You Read My Mind" (first song of my day) and then all this blank white paper slid along with a road atlas, from a shelf of books. And then I thought about what she had said, this woman, about her dream, only hours before. She was from Australia. I think she said Brisbane, Qdl, but maybe that was the other Australian. She asked everyone what we thought it meant. We all discussed this for a significant period of time. (whoo-hoo! mind connection! doo-doo-doo-doo). How weird...maybe she'd had a precognitive dream or I'm just in synch with something she's about to do. I'm sure it's coincidence (or not) but it's interesting!

Can You Read My Mind isn't working now so I'm onto "Human" by the Killers. woo hoo! Did a little "spirit dance" to "Human". Felt good to dance. Very celebratory.

I had a very long and detailed dream about Will Wagler and Michelle Erickson and some other people. It felt like a regular dream. Will detail. I don't remember everything about the dream with Will, but it was really long and we talked forever. I remember seeing these shoes which I don't think he ever had, because he usually wore a certain kind (won't say what) but these shoes were black pleather loafers and he was younger. Then, I was babysitting for some people, a dad dropped off two of his boys and I was watching them and we decided to go for a bike ride. I saw their bikes and then we went outside and went for a ride. Next, Michelle picked me up and, lol, we were partying together. Then she was driving me back and was in this old white or cream truck and I was saying it sure didn't maneuver well and it was bouncing all over the place and she then just revved it up and took the truck on it's side, careening around at full speed like a race driver, and she wasn't being mean, she was laughing and having a good time and I was holding on for dear life. We got to this fair or something and drove through and then she was out and going inside and I switched the pace and asked if I could have my son back. I thought she was going to say "No" and I said, "I should have housing and work in a month maybe" and instead of saying no, her face then morphed into a woman's face I haven't seen before, some older woman with a longer, sort of thin nose and not much make-up and the woman said, to my surprise, yes, that should be possible. So I stood there in shock, wondering what had changed. The woman looked very tired. I then said I would get his room together then and then I woke up.
Just looked up Brisbane, Australia, out of sheer curiosity.

Listening to "Romeo & Juliet" by The Killers. Last night I sang a Leonard Cohen song and "Create In Me A Clean Heart" (old gospel tune) while in the tub.

"Create in me a clean heart O God,
and renew a right spirit within me.
Create in me a clean heart O God,
and renew a right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from thy presence,
Take not thy Holy Spirit from me.
Create in me a clean heart O God,
and renwe a right spirit within me."

It's very pretty and came to mind last night. As well as "Fix You" by Coldplay which I meant to play, bc I always think of Diana when I see this video. Oh, here are the actual lyrics, or, I guess, the text which it's from:

Psalm 51:10-13

English text

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Do not cast me away from your presence or take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation. Then I will teach transgressors your ways and sinners will turn back to you. Redeem me Lord, I pray.

I heard this version of "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" the other day and found it just now: I also really love Lauper's original video for "True Colors". With that hair, and the drum.

I went outside and heard shooting on the range, over in the mountains across the river. It echoes all the way over here but you can only hear it if you're outside. I have decided I'm going to try to take a class for women here, like this one guy mentioned to me. It might be fun.

I would like to find a small prayer circle too, with people who believe in God but also intuition. But because prayer circles sometimes turn into gossip circles, I would sort of like to have a coordinated very small gathering where we get together and just pray in silence, but together. Maybe share our experiences a little, but when praying for others, don't have to bring up all the details but can pray in unison silently.

After I wrote a post yesterday about how I thought someone wanted to talk to me, afterwards, the energy lifted and was positive. Woke up and felt great too. Sort of feel a little sadness in the last half hour, about 11:30 a.m. here, but want to do some praying today and praising God and dancing. Sometimes I don't know what to pray but praising God seems to straighten things out. Just that alone. I still don't feel like choosing a church here yet. It's that my prayers have been private and I feel more connected to God without distraction but I have tried some churches here. I have been hiding out at home most of the holiday season. Regrouping and taking time for me, to get my strength up again.

I typed in "Our Father" and got "Our Father Who Art In Heaven". I know the prayer by heart, since I was very young (4 years) but haven't heard it in song for awhile. This one is very pretty:

Sort of onto piano now. Here's "Give Thanks":

This one is jazzy and very fluid: Hmm, a little too much intro-like throughout though.

The lyrics to "Give Thanks" are:
Give thanks, with a greatful heart
Give thanks to the Holy One
Give thanks for what he's given unto us, Jesus Christ, His Son
And now, let the weak say I am strong
Let the poor say I am rich
Because of what the Lord has done, for us
And now, let the weak say I am strong
Let the poor say I am rich
Because of what the Lord has done, for us
Give Thanks.

(I think I'm missing some words and will have to add to it)

I don't like keyboards, but this is a nice blend of improv and playing the song as it is: Some renditions have a sad feeling but this one is more joyful. I am listening to it over and over...found the one I like most, so far.

I sometimes seriously question why in the world I get the "recommended" videos that are "recommended" through youtube. For example, today it was this one: What's the point? I can't imagine this is a big internet hit. ? and I feel sorry for the dogs. They don't look happy at ALL. I don't like it when people tease, poke at, or dress up dogs or animals. THEY don't like it either. Some dogs have it really good, and others...are probably wishing they had won a different doggy lotto.

I had someone tell me recently to check out The Humane Society. I might. Maybe. I care about animals. I'm not a fanatic by any means, but...I don't know though. I get depressed when I go to the Humane Society, seeing all those poor animals locked up. Makes me sad for them. It's sad animal energy. But I support trying to find homes for them, for sure.

I told my housemate about the books and paper falling and he reminded me that it had happened last night too. It happened twice. It happened after I was online, and going to bed, and books fell and paper came down but I forgot about it. Then it happened again, from the other side, when I was sitting here this morning, other books fell and white blank paper came down. lol. I know, I know, it probably is nothing, but it happened twice, and this woman had just had a dream about the same thing happening and wanted to know what it meant. For her, she thought it was to reconnect with some people in her family or share with them some news she didn't think they'd want to hear.

I just asked my housemate if he thinks this is weird. He said yes, and said those things never fall. They've never fallen since I've been here, not once. Until last night. It was computer paper, sitting on top of books. And it happened twice.
I looked up "prince harry is psychic" out of curiosity to see if anything came up. I couldn't find anything. Then I typed in "prince william is psychic" and this piece came up where a woman had a dream that william was psychic but it was kept a secret. This is the link: i sort of believe it. I don't know. The first thing that ever happened to me, before a bf said I was psychic, was when I was even younger but I probably just didn't know what it was. I got out of bed, knowing something was wrong, I was maybe 9 years old, and I knew my kitten had been killed. No one told me, but I knew and finally my parents admitted it. They had just found it that night. I guess, going back before I remember dreams from high school, this was something I remember.

I have felt very level and peaceful energy ever since this morning. A sadness for a short time, and then a sense of absolute calm and peace.

I tried to get online earlier, but there have been computer problems so my housemate got a router to make the connections more secure. We're still figuring it out...It's taking over 4 hours and he's still on the phone. I wanted to go online to let that Australian woman know what happened! Now I'm able to get this one on through a public connection but it will be good to have a more secure one. I don't think I want to try going online to find that woman again until I have a more secure set up.
Just read something about the rosary. From an Eastern Orthodox link but it is, I think, the same as the RCC or early church one. But I had thought the rosary was just repetitiously saying the same phrase over and over, but then I read there are decades that are remembered and then it is to remember different people in the decades. So it's a way to remember different categories for prayer. I prefer that idea, to just saying the same thing over and over. I like the idea of it as more of a helpful reminder.
I cannot get back to that site. I've tried and it won't let me go back. It says "broken link". I'll probably have to wait until tomorrow. I can't get on.
(hours later) I still can't get on. Tried all the computers in the house and none will allow. Link is broken sometimes and other times connection lost or whatever. I wanted to look up that woman and let her know. Another time I guess.

At any rate, I wonder if I'm making a bigger deal of this than I should? my housemate is a practical type of guy and he says no. He does think it's really weird. I think it's strange because it happened not once but twice. But how does this happening affect this other woman's life in any way? why would she so happen to be in the room at that same moment with a dream to share? I don't know.

I do know that last night, before I fell asleep, I prayed to God to reveal something miraculous or in some way, profound. I thought I might have a dream that was significant but my dream may have just been a dream. What I thought was significant, rather, was the connection between this woman's dream and what happened after she shared. Maybe that's not a big deal either, but ya never know!
i got another sectoral heterochromia comment. So fun. Have to go back and respond. I think this has been my most popular post. It IS really kind of fascinating, because of the possibilities of anything from chimerism and lost twins to genetic links to "royalty" to eye's all possible.

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