Monday, December 28, 2009

Link Broken

I think someone was thoroughly freaked out by what I wrote. haha. I don't know, but I still cannot get onto that site and I get partway and then the link breaks or is disconnected and it's not happening with any other site. Oh well. I tried. Someone doesn't want me to be talking to someone in Australia I guess. Who knows.

I felt a calm and steady energy all day yesterday, until after I talked to my ex and then it was heavy and sad or something for awhile and then leveled out. I don't know why it changed but it did. Then this morning, at least right now, I feel fine. Good energy in general, but I am really trying to figure out what to do about this case with my son because at this point, nothing is being done to help me reunite with my son and my rights and his rights are not being protected.

So I am contemplating what to do. I might have housing as of today. At least, that's what I was told, and supposedly I'm able to sign papers today. If it's true, then I can start making up his room and mine. I still have to have work and other things.

It's a little after 8:30 a.m. and I feel a very sad energy. Sort of strong and something positive again, but very mixed with sadness.

I see my son today and I'll write about our visit, and then go back to notes I made from the last visits, which I haven't detailed yet.

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