Thursday, December 24, 2009

Dream Last Night & Gun Shot Impression & Royal News

I slept very well last night and then I woke and I think I remember only an extremely small clip of a dream. In it, some woman was carrying something very heavy and I made some obscure comment about how "it's as heavy as butter." Something about butter and being heavy. Hhaa. I have no idea why.

Oh! I forgot to mention, the other night, either night before last or the one before that one, I woke up at 10:20 p.m. or I had an image? I cannot remember...I had the impression of hearing a very loud gun go off. One shot. I jumped, and started in my bed and looked up at the time and it was either an impression at about 10:20 p.m. or awakening from a dream at around 2:20 a.m. I sort of think it was an impression though.

I remember thinking how strange and that I had to write this down but I forgot to do it and didn't remember it until now. It was an extremely loud gun and only one shot and I had no image with it. It wasn't an actual sound, like "in my head" or outside...I knew it hadn't actually occured within my hearing range, but I heard it in a way I can't describe...No, not "hearing things" because people who hear things think it's real, and this wasn't, it was like...I wasn't watching t.v. or a movie with gun noises and hadn't been around them either.

I wish I could explain better. I thought, somewhere in the world, something happened to someone or game was killed. Or someone was doing target practice. But I only heard one shot. I literally, literally now, jumped because it was so loud, but it was in the mind's eye, like an impression. The sound scared me but there was no vibe with it that I can recall. Either I was just about to fall asleep into a dream and I just got this impression right before, or it might be a form of clairaudience? or something like that? I don't know. I'm reading about the different things.

I feel there is some human possibility that others can acquire these gifts, but when I start to tune into "my abilities" it doesn't seem to work. For me, it has been most connected with prayer and when I am giving credit to God. I feel like I lose something when I try on my own, but I don't think it's wrong to try or to desire certain gifts, asked for in the right frame of mind or spirit.

Oh, by the way, I told this guy who was talking about Mary Lincoln-Todd, I told him how this famous Russian psychic, Nina, was institutionalized. People didn't recognize her giftings and she went was sent to a psych ward, and there, doctors and nurses noticed she had talents most do not have. She would be knitting and didn't have to look to see which color of thread she needed, she somehow intuited or sensed which one she needed. He agreed that some people get sent to psych wards just to be experimented on or that this happens in psych wards.

Oh! hahaa! One thing he brought up which I thought was funny, was if I wanted to "adopt" Prince William or Henry. I asked why he said this and he said because I had brought up how I had first thought of them like my own son, from Di's eyes. So I laughed and said this might be interesting and I would, sure, if they wanted to be adopted. But, I said, they'd have to pay me. He said why would THEY pay ME and I said it would be the most charitable contribution they could ever make. And, I said, I would be the one suffering from all the press. I thought about it...would it die down after 5 years? I don't know. The first 5 years, at least, would be hell. I said I'd adopt one of them for a small sum...and said, I could use at least $200,000 right now. Anyway, we were just goofing off and laughing. He said "Why did you say you would adopt them?" and I said, "YOU'RE the one who ASKED me the question! don't you dare tell people I just came up with that and said this! I was just going along for fun." I have to make sure I'm not made out to be a bigger nutcase than I am.

Wow! Very cool. Had to catch up on the royalty news. Oh, and I prayed for the Obama, er, whatever their last name is (I was about to call them "the Obamas"), I prayed for them, the other night along with the royal family. But anyway, yesterday I read about the Queen's chocolate and then today about how she'll address troops. My favorite article of the day, was the one about William! Yay! GOOD JOB!!! I was so thrilled to see that he slept outside with the homeless for a night because, that is, I don't know, so RIGHT. I have always said to my friends, I think any Judge who is in a position of putting people to jail, they should know what it's like to be in jail for a couple of weeks, just to get an idea before they go about their business and hand out sentences, and what William did was essentially the same thing, to really experience what those in his charity go through and it will give better insight and direction...I just think it's really wonderful and I felt very proud of him. I had just been reading about how Di appreciated the Duchess of Kent for being hands on and willing to help others in the hospitals (bed pan and everything), and how she never saw anyone doing anything like that and it inspired her, and I think it's really right.

(Meanwhile, I was on the other side of the world, looking up Edward & Wallis again, for the first time in ages...shhh! lol. Actually, I have been sleeping better ever since I read the royal girlfriends are not going to Granny's for Christmas...shhh, AND I saying too much? Well anyway! AND, oh, I did read some sad news about Eddie and Wallie, they were exiled. Truly.)

I also watched a couple of clips the other day, of the Queen, "off-duty" and light and she can really ham it up with some of her facial expressions. Then there's this one where she wins 16 pounds at the horse races and she does this tilt of the head and smile in a very youthful and playful way. Gosh, I think she really, really, loves horses. I'm saying "really" a lot, hmmm.

Haven't found anything new yet on Harry. Just that article about the "lovefest". What did I tell you? I mean, how in the world can they maintain privacy at all?

At any rate, I think something new and deeply spiritual will happen with, like I said, one or some of the Waleses. I just sense this. I hope they will have a good Christmas holiday and might pray together and for eachother in a new way. I have the image or thought in my mind of them all together, praying in their home for eachother, in sort of a circle.

And I wish this for all the other families too, and for the U.S. and our First Lady and mind is just one-track because of my reading right now, I'm sure.

Oh, I am an idiot. It's Barak Obama. What is wrong with me! I forgot the President's first name for a minute. I was thinking "Obama and Michelle ___________" drawing a blank. Seriously, I wasn't getting much sleep for the last couple of weeks. Still catching up.

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