Thursday, December 24, 2009

Write Your Own Historical Account

I hope to encourage others, for the New Year, to begin writing their own historical narrative. Especially those who have been oppressed or repressed in any way, or had their name or reputation defamed for political reasons (rich or poor, and I'm sympathetic to both).

If you don't write your own story and tell it the way you experienced it, someone else will write it for you and it might not be accurate.

I strongly believe in keeping a personal journal, even a daily one, and if it's too delicate to post online, make some other electronic as well as paper recording. So much is easily ruined, lost, or destroyed, but if you have something important to say or a record to make, protect that record.

Like I was saying to this one guy, back then, in Lincoln-Todd's time, there wasn't as much opportunity to express oneself, write ones own account, and get the truth out, and maybe it's not always a good idea to have it public. However, today, there are many ways of getting the truth out and one should take advantage of the opportunities available.

The only problem, is figuring out how to keep something private, or which things to keep private, and then deciding how it will be best preserved. So many journals, even hand-written, have been lost because of burnings or other damage.

You don't have to be a writer to write your story and keep track of facts.

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