Thursday, December 24, 2009

"Miracles" and "Corruption"

In the middle of corruption, I have this guy come over to me yesterday to say I may not know it, or see it, but miracles happen every day.

He was a nice guy, but he's sitting there telling me to "go with the flow" and that there might be a greater plan in store for me.

There is NO "greater plan" than having my son and I and my son are not cogs in the machine. I don't care who might like to use us this way, we are not.

So he goes on to say how different people in history have been institutionalized for political reasons, and nothing more. He told me Mary Lincoln Todd was put into an institution after Lincoln was assasinated. I have no idea why he told me this, unless it's because I mentioned I was related to her (although it's through second cousins or removed once or something like that). But, who knows. Maybe Mary knew something. I told him it's interesting because people then did not have the opportunity, most of the time, to write their own histories.

I think I tuned out about the time he used the word "rat" for something. Then I was just like, hmmm.

All this talk from others about Buddism too. It's like, pat-pat on the shoulder and people want me to "relax" and think like a Buddist or something, and "absorb" and "be strengthened" by the trials and suffering. I think my son and I have had just about enough reinforcement work done for "strengthening". And this is no insult to Buddism either, it's just that I don't like it when people use religion as a pacifier, to pacify the people. I believe very strongly in God and spiritual things and want this to grow in my own life, but I don't believe in abusing it. Which isn't how it's intended when people bring things up to me, of course, but it still sometimes goes against my grain.

I want my son back and I want him back on honest terms. There is no reason for delay or stalling any longer, and I'm done with being patient and jumping through hoops and watching as absolutely nothing is done on behalf of my son.

I am tired of witnessing crime and corruption and seeing people get away with it. It is a crime to ignore what's going on with my son and it's corruption that allows people to get away with it.

I have very serious concerns about the state of the country at this point. The corruption is far greater than most imagine, and if nothing is done, this will not be the greatest country any longer. It's out of control and the only people running this country, whether they're running it legitimately in the open or not, are those who are very rich, and then order around and oppress the rest through intimidation and fear. Then there is the large group that enjoys going along with it and they're primary motive seems to be greed

Not being in a sound economic state right now, puts more pressure on these groups and it allows those who are corrupt to exert more control than ever over those who just want to live the simple American dream of getting to where you are on ones own merits, and not because of being part of a group or receiving favors.

When there is not a lot of work available, people get pressured to do things they wouldn't normally do, and intimidation and incentive kicks in more. I know just because someone is poor, this isn't a "risk factor" but what I think is increased, risk-wise, is the power of the corrupt and rich to control others to do what they want. People become vulnerable and others take advantage of that vulnerability.

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