Friday, December 25, 2009

Dream Last Night (tripwire?) updated

I should add, this image was in another country and the impression was not that it was here in the US. That's all I know. It wasn't a U.S. thing or something I dreamed for here.

I had a long dream but I don't remember the whole thing. At one point I awoke and then was going back to dream and I was holding some long wire and we were going up a small hill and I said, "This is the top line and that is the end line" and it was explosive of some kind.

I don't even think anyone uses explosives like this, that have a "line" but I don't know much about explosives.

It may be some very old remembrance of "The Bridge Over The River Kwaii" or whatever, that brought this up, but yeah, there I was handling explosives with some young man but I don't know who he was and didn't see a face in the dream. About my age or a little younger. It was like we were both in the military or on a military site. I didn't see any trees was beige or plain. I haven't seen that movie for 10 years and haven't read anything about it. This is the second dream or image that I've had about explosives.

I looked up "top line and end line" and I saw something referred to as a "line end" (not end line). I saw this connected to explosives but I don't know what kind might use something like this. I was thinking this would be something used more like, in the 50s, but I looked up tripwire and those are still used.

The impression I had was that we were setting something up.

And no, I'm not joining the military if I don't get my son back. Just in case anyone had any ideas.

In the dream, The line was sort of visible and I was holding the top part and then he had the other end and was a few paces behind. As we were walking, this is when I said something about the top line and the the end line. I don't know if we stopped and were going to lay it down or take it somewhere or what was going on because then my dream changed and I don't remember the rest of it.

The other thing that just came to mind, which I looked up, was landmine. I started wondering if there is a line that connects to the kind of landmine Di campaigned against and if my dream was that I was just walking with a line to remove it from grounds, or actually setting something up.

I had more of the impression it was being set up but I don't know because we were holding it, talking, and walking.

For some reason, I was explaining things to the guy behind me. I think landmines are triggered by pressure though, not tripping over or pulling a wire or anything like that. When I've seen landmines in the couple clips I saw, they looked round and compact and I saw no wires.

I think probably we were setting up some kind of tripwire.

This is a lot of detail. I don't know why I do this...try to hash out things when it was a tiny little clip and dreams usually mean nothing anyway! I might have to delete most of this bc it's so much conjecture.
Hahahaa. My housemate said he fell asleep on webcam last night. He was in a webchat with his girlfriend and other people and just fell asleep and didn't turn it off. How embarrassing.
First song of the day: White Wedding! by Billy Idol. Last night I listened to David Bowie instead of Christmas music. hahaa...I had to laugh when the song "Message For The Action Man" came to my mind after I wrote about my image...I saw the video and he's, half the time, in a padded cell. lol. I decided..hmmm...NOT to write about THAT last night but this morning I can laugh more.

It is another day of good energy even though I wake up thinking about what I should do with this case with my son and in general. I think, every morning, now, how to rescue him and get something moving in the right direction. I am uncertain as to whom I should go to, because something needs to be righted and I am still somewhat undecided about course of action.

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