Thursday, December 24, 2009

image of william of wales

Well, I embarrass myself enough already, and it really doesn't matter if I do more now, because I feel I'm supposed to share and if it's right, I have no way of letting anyone know except through putting it online.

I had an image, at about 10:00-11:00 p.m. tonight at some point, and I knew who it was of. It wasn't a super strong impression though, and I doubted myself because I had just been reading and thought this is what probably influenced my image, or even "imagination".

But I first saw what looked like William having trouble sleeping, in bed, and then I saw him on the floor, absolutely prostrate in prayer or plea or something. Lying all the way out on the floor, arms stretched out in front. I don't know how he sleeps, motionless or all over the place, but it was like he was wrestling with something. Very restless sleep and then on the floor. In bed, on his back, knees up and down--restless legs. But sleeping or trying to sleep, in that frame, on back or sort of to the sides. Not on stomach from what I saw, but maybe it was the transistion from getting out of bed and then lying on the floor (and that was on stomach). Possibly, two different frames. Because I didn't see a motion from bed to floor, I just saw one and then the other. Probably, I shouldn't try to add details if I'm not sure and just stick with the general impression, as they say, but I'm doing my best.

It wasn't like when I had the impression of a gunshot, which was random and out of the blue and nothing precipitated it. This time, I was reading materials so I feel it may have influenced what was coming to mind, however, the image flashed in front of me.

Only he would know, and then again, it's sort of general so it could happen to anyone. But since this is what I "got" I don't know what else to do but share even if I'm wrong. So, very embarrassing, and something I would share privately if I knew the person and could do so, but there may be a reason I got this.

Sometimes I don't see a face or know who it is, but tonight, I knew who the person was in the image. My impression was that it was either today or recent, or at the very most in the past. I didn't really think it was for the future, but how would I know.

At any rate, I think, if it confirms with him, it's just a sign that God hears. If it doesn't confirm, that's okay and I am just tired and reading a lot and got this for some reason and I don't know why.
Other things that I "got" tonight, one which was really insignificant but sort of interesting because I saw a kind of confirmation (and wouldn't have even known I got anything right unless I had been surprised by this). But what happened is I was in a chat and had only been there a short time and was having an exchange with one person in particular. I don't know what it is about mushrooms, hahaha, after my housemate told me (I still don't know if he's pulling my leg) he was thinking of a mushroom burger before I described one...

Anyway, I was making steak and I had just started thinking about mushrooms, while chatting, sort of an internal monologue about "Do we still have mushrooms? I wonder if I should put them in with the steak?" but first I just thought "mushroom" and then I figured it was to go with my steak, and I was chatting and thinking mushrooms at the same time. This guy, at that moment, said he was making mushroom risoto. Which was a coincidence probably, but very odd because right after I asked him what he was making or would want to make, mushrooms came to mind and then he said mushroom risoto. Then, I said I had just been thinking about mushrooms and he said he wasn't surprised. ?! It didn't shock him at all.

I know, this is one of those things that happens to all of us, a lot, but it seems to happen to me more than usual. I just don't always know when I'm hitting on something or not because it's rare that I get a confirmation.
I feel a very strong positive energy having written about the image of William. Either it's true and will ring with him, or someone read THAT and started praying out of their dear heart, thinking to God "She needs help" or "God, I understand but save her from herself because others won't understand and they will laugh!"

At any rate, I feel a very good and strong energy. So it's either right or someone is praying their dear heart out for me, on my behalf, and I thank you! whomever you may be! I need a lot of prayer!
Anyway, I tried to go to sleep after this but laid awake, not thinking about this, but I cannot sleep because I have had two strong energy drinks (lol, so many meanings to the word energy) and tea tonight as well. So I'm just up against my will. I have peace of mind in general. If I think about my son, I don't as much, but in general, I have peace of mind.

I got the Bible out and thought about maybe trying to pray for various things since I am so caffeinated but I might listen to music. Opened up to Psalms 35.

UPDATE (next day Dec. 25th): After writing this, I went to bed and then looked up "prince william, nightmares" bc it kept coming to mind that maybe it wasn't just restless sleep I saw but violent nightmares. So then I found something, but again, I think one other time I had read somewhere he had them briefly. Last night I read a rumor article (not the best source) that he'd once hired an ex MI5 guy to investigate his mom's crash independently. But it was only one article and back to 2001.

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