Saturday, December 26, 2009

Dream Last Night & Impressions

All dreams are not prophetic whether they're nightmares or sound like wishful thinking. Usually, dreams are just dreams. I read yesterday, some research that's been done on dreams, and it's something like 10% end up being prophetic or foretell the future. In another study, 75% of the participants had the majority of their dreams end up meaning something, but I think that number is far too high. Otherwise, we'd see a lot of people giving speeches while naked, we would fly, and the like. SO, I take dreams with a grain of salt unless I have this marked feeling that it really does mean something.

Last night, I dreamed I was trying to get housing and it was one problem after the other. Then, in my dream, one group was actually giving me housing and the other group was upset about it. Some guy came tearing down the driveway and when he came back up, the front of his car was like an angry animal. It literally had the head of an animal, a vicious one. He was blond or light brown hair and 40 something or possibly early 50s. In my dream I looked for his license number when he passed and it was "6076" and was in Washington state. In the dream, my vision was blurry and I thought it was a G076 at first but then saw it was 6076. The license plate, in my dream, only had 4 numbers.

Then I was looking at the other housing, which wasn't as nice but at least I was getting into something, and I was standing there and then there was this man in front of me who was blond and he had a tow-head little girl. Well, there was a line-up of other people, common middle-lower class people, and then this man whose face I couldn't see and I wasn't in love with him in the dream, but he pulled me closer, behind his back, and his daugher then reached out and rested her hand on my leg. Young girl. At least, at that moment in the dream, I was just meeting him for the first time or something or it was a future thing.

Then I woke up thinking I wish I'd lied a lot more in my life. About how good my vision is, what my personality is like, and other things, so that it would have been more difficult for people to try to get to me, who are not friends. I thought about getting glasses for my near-sightedness and I also remembered having people in Oregon quiz me, literally, about my eye-sight and while I may not have told the whole truth, I wish I'd lied about things like that, which are no ones business, more.
I didn't have any concrete images at all, but I kept having fleeting impressions of Prince William, that something was wrong, but I may have been seeing the past, from after his mother died. I kept seeing this very restless sleep from either nightmares or pain. I was worried too that it was that something wants to get ahold of him in a spiritual sense and is trying or was trying to work against him. It scared me but I can't put much stock in it because some things are just imagination entirely and don't mean anything.
Nevertheless, I woke up feeling positive energy. Just balanced actually. Last night was very hard but it wasn't all bad...there was something very strong but it was just mixed with sadness. But by this morning, everything was balanced. I felt better after reading a few verses from the Bible last night and did so again, same passage, this morning. I'm hoping for a good day. I think I am clear headed enough to pray more today too.

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