Friday, December 25, 2009

On Queen's Message

I'll have to find a youtube clip but I've only seen her photo and then an article. I have no idea why, but I find myself caring about the Queen. I think it was first by surprise because I had a few dreams when I never read about her and only focused on Di.

She doesn't look very happy in this photo I found but I need to see the youtube video. I have more to say I'm sure, but in a moment.

I don't know why, but I just saw one clip and it brought tears to my eyes. What is wrong with me???! I felt proud of this message, and the mention of the responsibilities of christians and yet I felt so sad that her mother isn't there. I need to find a different clip though because I'm not sure I got the right one. Also, I noticed, this song that was playing was "My Country Tis Of Thee" but it was for England. Is this the tune for "God Save The Queen"?

Oh, so this IS the official footage. Watching again. I like that willow tree that's in the first scene by the water. One of my favorite trees and that one is especially beautiful.

This keeps cutting out on me. I might have to try my other computer. I have to say, as an aside, some of the NUTTIEST and most frightening messages appear come from people commenting on the clips. I mean, fanatic sayings of hate, but then mixed with good normal sayings too. I'd be a little bit nervous too...thinking of that woman who bounded upon the pope today. Can you even imagine? I mean, to bound uponn anyone, but then someone who has all this security. Anyway, I need to find out if this clips flows better on my other computer.

It does work better, and I tried the royal channel with no problems. At any rate, I have nothing to compare it with because I've never watched one of these before, but I thought it was a very good speech. It was right on, I thought. The part about how we're all going through difficult times but to try to think beyond ourselves and work at helping others as we still refuse to give up on having a better future. Very good. And good to honor those fighting at the start too. I was so proud too, to hear mention of the word christian because while she is defender of the faith it is hard these days to bring things up sometimes without sounding exclusive. However, I do believe that while everyone should have absolute freedom, and england has, in modern times, been very tolerant and accomodating of diversity, it is also nice to see a traditional reminder of the heart of faith.

That part with Harry. As soon as I saw his nose, I burst into a grin and a laugh. There is nothing funny at all, about his nose! It's just cute and it makes me laugh. I'm used to seeing these childhood photos though. I've seen more of the kid's photos so seeing him grown up and then the grown up profile, is sort of cute. I think I laughed because when I saw him grown up there, and so serious and juxposed (wrong spelling) this with the idea in my mind of his 3 and 4 year old profile, it, I don't know. I have no idea. He is so large, I thought. He looks very large, doesn't he? Tall, but broad shouldered too, at least here. I noticed this too, with the skiing trip clip, that he is actually larger than William! He looks dignified, and I think that's what made me smile, because I usually see the child photos if any at all.

But the Queen. I really just wish she didn't have to go through holidays without her mother. I don't know who, besides her nana Bobo (just read about her! is she still around?), she can talk to...I mean, what other woman?

Hmmm. I don't know anything about the commonwealth but I remember a long while ago something "weal" came to mind. I didn't know Malaysia was part of this...My grandfather's 3rd wife was Malay. I suppose I should look it up. I think her mention of creativity and innovation was good, and I liked the mention of family of nations.

I looked at a bit of the clip from Di's funeral...or no, rather the Queen's address about Di. It was sort of painful to watch as I sensed discomfort from the Queen and also didn't want to think about that at the moment, but she's not that much different than how she gives her address here. She's serious so maybe it comes across as sad but something seems sad to me anyhow.

You can see she is very proud of Harry, when the camera pans to her as she watches him lay the wreath. She's relaxed, watching him. Serious but seems relaxed.

It was good to watch. I also saw a clip where Michelle Obama gives her a sideways hug and I thought this was sweet even if it broke protocol.

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