Friday, December 25, 2009

Nicolas Cage

I seriously cannot believe it. I cannot believe it! This guy, whose name just came to my mind one day while I was taking a bathroom break at a visit with my son...well, it just flashed to mind, just the name and nothing else and I knew I had to pray for him. So I just sent up a general prayer.

I documented this in my blog. Well, something like 2 days later, or maybe up to a week later, the news slams in that he's having to file back taxes. And then one major lawsuit after another after another and JUST now, ANOTHER!

I know I'm not always "getting" the right thing when something pops to mind, but this is one time where I am actually really bewildered and surprised myself.

I swear, I never thought about him, ever, or read about him, and I can't name a movie even, and the most I remember is how he and Lisa Presley were married.

Anyway, I don't always get confirmation on things and I know sometimes I must be wrong about stuff, but it's really encouraging to see that there was a reason to pray for him and I'm not nuts! I felt like a nut, praying for a celebrity, but it was one of those times where it came from out of the blue. I knew it was real, but didn't know why at all.

Anyway, I hope everything works out for everyone involved in that mess. I have absolutely no info to go off of, but I really do hope it all gets straightened out and I'll send up another prayer tonight. Or now, since I'm thinking about it.

I hope that there are other times something I've said means something to someone, even if they can't tell me how or why.


  1. Mama,

    Spirit has a way of getting messages through to anyone whose heart is willing to give. Nicolas Cage definitely needs for people to pray for him right now as his life is falling apart. Thank You.

  2. Thank you so much Anonymous,

    I think some might not understand, but I know a lot of others do or are open minded.

    I did pray a short prayer last night and I felt very good about posting because I felt it gave credit to God (or what others call Spirit or higher power) for being real.

    There have been many other instances where this kind of thing has happened (which is why my old bf from high school first noticed what he said was "ESP?" and got freaked out) but I am very very cautious because I don't know when I'm right or wrong all the time! And it's hard to sift through the plain old mental "noise" (regular shift of thought in everyone) and what it right and psychic. It's so hard to know so I get embarrassed sometimes, bringing things up in case it is never confirmed, or in being wrong, but if we have a gift I feel we're supposed to exercise it and it will be given more abundantly.

    Most of the time, I don't know the meaning but feel someone else, the person it's meant for, might.

    I have enjoyed getting to know others recently who are also in tune to these gifts or the human potential.

    I sometimes wish I could use this gift for my own life or see things happen but I guess it's like when Jesus was healing others but couldn't "save himself" from the cross. "Save Yourself" they said, "If you are really..." and he wasn't spared.

    I don't always understand the why's but I am still so hopeful for a miracle with regard to breaking through and getting my son back.

    Thank you. I appreciate prayers from others too. And I will pray for you and thank you for writing this encouraging note.

  3. Oh, and I don't mean that even if we get insight to pray or whatever, it doesn't always mean a miracle will happen, but that someone sees and cares. And too, there is an untapped human potential I feel should be encouraged, another form of communication.

  4. I'll be praying for you and your son too. As for the gift that you speak of, I believe that as long as it is used for good, it will be yours forever. Good luck cultivating it as it takes a great deal of trust to go with the flow into the unknown. I have a bit of the gift but I'm too much of a control freak and so it ebbs and flows. Thank You for your continued prayers.

  5. Thanks so much. I did pray last night, for various people. Not long, but said a few prayers.

    Thank you, truly, for writing and keep working with your gift as well. ;)

  6. Hello Wallice,

    I don't really go to chat rooms. I haven't done it for a few years but maybe in the last month I have? or last couple of weeks? I don't really like to share where I've been (none are dating or "singles" sites) but people who know who I am seem to find me easily. I've only been to a couple. The one where I talked to someone about the dream recently, has been down and out of commision ever since.

    I would prefer, to be more anonymous than the internet provides but even signing up with a different registration doesn't give anonymity I'm finding. One would actually have to use someone else's computer and feel it couldn't be traced back to them somehow. I was just on a basic UK psychic chat when I had some of the things happen. I didn't really pick it out, it was what came up. Then, the one where someone wished me a perthetic holiday, it was a UK site but one you can just jump on. I was given the password "animal 54" and then I had to change it myself. I went there to just talk about food.

    Otherwise, I've been to a couple sites where it's general chat and you can pop on really fast without registering but it's a lot of nonsense conversations, little blips about "SWM, need chat with hot SWF" and "IM me hotpants"...but it's supposed to be general chat and that was where someone threatened me saying I was going to end up at the bottom of a river. What has been strange is that almost automatically, there will be one or two or more persons who will somehow know who I am before I even get onto the chat. I don't know if it's through the IP or easy to hack or what.

    (how's that?)

  7. The internet is one wild and wonderful place it seems, eh? Thanks for the reply. Maybe I'll be one of those who recognize your posts somewhere else and be able to follow your words elsewhere. Have a Happy New Year and I sincerely hope it's one where your son gets to come home to you asap.

  8. Wallice,

    I don't think you're Canadian. could just email me if you would like a 'reading'. :)

    I sense good energy from you, I think it's you or at least at the moment I'm reading what you write.

    Yes, you might find me someplace online but you can always email (a surer thing).


  9. Hmm. I should add to my last post, out of my insecurity of thinking others will think that I think you are someone from England or something...

    I think you're American. I also think you're trying to mask your intelligence.


  10. LOL! You're right on all counts. So how do I email you?

  11. Hello again!

    Not sure if you got my message last night about where I should email you. Just thought I'd try again in case my post got lost in cyberland.

    Have a wonderful NEW YEARS! God bless!
