Monday, December 14, 2009

Energy Today

Despite what the state has done again, and many things that are going wrong, I don't sense the negative vibe at all. I feel instead, that this was something that was planned last week or even last night and just implemented at the last minute, and it had no bearing on this morning.

I feel there is still either an investigation into what's been going on, or that someone or some group is working to turn this around. I still feel very confident about that.

It's very shocking what is happening and what's happened so far, but I'm not discouraged at all. I cannot control the actions of bullies and people who try to harm my son and keep him from his mother. I have no control over that. What I do know, is that while I feel sad for my son, and while I was looking forward to seeing him and feel this is really horrible, I'm not letting it get to me.

I still have my focus, and that is for my son.

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