Monday, December 14, 2009

Unemployment & Paid Work

I'm simultaneously sorting out my unemployment mess (which is a true mess) and work that I start tomorrow.

I will be doing an introductory at the preschool tomorrow and then I've blocked out work for next week which will be paid. I have a lot to learn, to be familiarized, but I'm happy about it. I will be starting out with the 3 year olds.

I'm also looking at another preschool or academy for maybe filling in my other odd hours so I have more of a full plate until I'm in full-time work.

Then there are a couple of chores I'm going to do as well.

My unemployment will still be coming in but it's going to take a little time. I have to track down what's going on in D.C. because there's no documentation of anything. Then, over here, I kept having my filing disappear from the record. This week, I totally forgot to file, but the last weeks, I filed and got the "accepted" note and yet it didn't go onto the computer. So I have to back-file for things. I'm pursuing unemployment all the way bc I don't know when I might not have work and I don't have FT hours at this point. So, it's in my best interests to file no matter what.

At least, by working with kids, it will be another perspective as to whether a security guard is needed. There's never been a need, so I'm hoping this will be proof enough for the Judge and that there won't be any excuses for increased visitation.

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