Monday, December 14, 2009

Guns & Game

I ran into a guy whom I've talked with in the past, about life in general. I was reading a Di book and pointing out Harry's cute nose when he was about 3 (I guess it reminds me of my son or any cute 3 year old) and Larry brought over 4 books on guns. Semi-automatics, the Blue Book on guns, revolvers, and AR-15s (whatever that is).

All of a sudden, a big talk about "guns and game and hunting oh my"! I'm kinda skeered.

So, he's really into guns and hunting and told me some stories about hunting trips that lasted 7 days, in boats or in the field. Hardcore. But first we just talked about target practice and then about what different kinds of game tastes like and how game is killed and prepared for meals. I had NO idea.

I told him I might be able to fell an animal if it's to eat, and for a purpose of sustenance, but I did NOT EVER want to skin, gut, feather, or put a hook in anything!
We talked about pheasant and rabbit and rabbit stew and stew and mutton stew and veal and lamb and elk and deer and...

And I never once imagined one does the gutting stuff on the field but why haven't I thought about it? You have to take the stuff out so it doesn't spoil. So that means you do it right there. EEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sorry, but I could NEVER see myself "quartering an elk".

I would hope someone else could do all of that for me. I think if I tried really hard, I might be able to bring myself to put a hook in a fish or whatever it is you do, if I were really hungry.

But it was interesting because I wondered what makes game taste "game-y" and he talked about how it's prepared and also diet. He said rabbit is good because a lot of times they eat juniper, what gin is made of, and the diet keeps it from tasting very game-ish.

He also talked about how smart the animals are...elk especially, and geese. I thought this was interesting, to hear how they can sense things and smell scent from such a distance, or the eyesight of geese.

But, I really don't want to be hunting I don't think. I like to eat fresh game and fish but I think I might prefer to have someone else do the rest. I like the idea of simply tracking though, and my son would think that this is really fun.

But anyway, one thing I'm interested in, is taking lessons. He told me there's a place where women can take lessons and then go to the shooting range. I really don't think I want to do any shooting unless I'm inside where I can feel safe in one of those corrals with earphones on. I would be scared about getting shot on the range or in the field.

So anyway, I think I will look into taking lessons. My mom allegedly turned out to be a naturally good shot. Police who trained her were impressed and wanted her to join the police. I don't imagine I would be quite that good, as I'm not very good at darts, but I would like to try. And I don't know how to handle a gun at all. So it might be good to know, and I want to be the kind of mom that can show her son different things and be well-rounded.

I don't really want to hunt and I don't want my son to hunt, unless it's for food that we will eat. But it would be fun to learn more about tracking with him, without guns in hand I think. Just to find the animals and observe.

I love animals and I couldn't bear to skin one. I told this guy, "I can't even pull the gizards out of a turkey from the store" and he said, shocked, "But it's already in a bag!" and I said, "I know, but I just can't do it. I've never been able to put my hand in there."

So we were looking at guns and I'd told him my mother has a silver handled or pearl handled "pistol". He showed me a little gun made in Russia called a Malvokic? or something like that.

Another day in Russia! I looked up Russian psychics today. It was amazing to read about them. I mean, no wonder everyone else got interested! It's sort of unbelievable what some of these people can do...I don't know, it seems unreal, but there are very strange possibilities out there. Like, Stargate documented being able to train people, even ordinary people, to do somewhat accurate remote viewing and bending of spoons with the mind focusing the energy. This one Russian woman, she was able to separate egg white from the yolk, and stop a frog's heart from beating and then could affect human hearts too, but they found that with her output of energy she became physically drained, like it left her body and she ended up not being in very good health in the longrun. But some amazing things have been done. I'll have to look up her name again and then I'll add it here. Nina Kulagina. That's her. Anyway, I don't think these abilities have to be from "witchcraft" or a bad "source". I think some of it is just unexplored human potential and is neutral and that other times, perhaps, good or bad sources could be summoned as well. But most of the people I read about, well, psychic has a bad name and it conjures a negative hokey image. But while some of the people have other interests which are eccentric to say the least, there are others who seem to be very practical and down to earth and yet they are also aware that this is a gift, which may be developed.

Oh great. I write about this gun, which is a 9 mm, and then I get a google ad that says "The 9 mm won't save you" and then it goes on to advertise about close combat training.

We talked about a lot of things. Lots n lots n lots about guns. I said I tried to fish when I was younger but I couldn't do it. I had to stand off to the side while my brother fished with my grandpa. I liked eating it! but I felt sorry for the fish! I even opted out of frog dissection in biology because I felt sorry for the frogs.

Hahaa...I just talked to this other guy about it and I asked him, "Do they have music in those headphones at the shooting range?" He laughed out loud and said no, music would be too distracting for people and they'd be shooting all over the place, to rock or whatever. He said, you know, how people drive faster...well, they'd be shooting like crazy. I was thinking it would be fun to shoot to music. Hmm, I'll spare you my music-shooting choreography ideas.

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