Monday, December 14, 2009

Housemate Witnesses Odd Computer Energy

This is a different kind of "energy", real and not psychic and it's what I've tried to describe as feeling supercharged. The computer works harder and vibrates internally a little with the extra power and my housemate just put his hands on it and witnessed it. It's not so bad right now that you can feel the energy just by placing your hands above it, which has happened, but he can feel it when touching and agrees his computer isn't like this. It does this even when unplugged and running from battery.

After a short time, it starts causing very light twitching in the muscles. Arms mainly.

But I'm not imagining it and I just got someone else to feel it and he agrees. And I used other computers today and they weren't doing this.

I worry that my son might sometimes also be exposed to something like this, because it's harmful.

Maybe I got the word DRAM because DRAM will record any alterations to the energy on the computer. Again, I'm not talking about psychic or philosophical vibes or that kind of "energy" but about real energy that is emitted. I don't know what would cause this. It's been happening all day today but yesterday there was no problem. I'll have a couple days where my computer is fine and then a few where it's not.

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