Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I woke up feeling okay. Not like yesterday, but okay. Then I got more down as the hour went by, and I don't know why. Maybe I'm worried about my son, and maybe it's something else, but also, I read the news about the bombing in Afghanistan and Pakistan. I was glad to see children weren't targeted or involved, but I don't know what to think about any of it. I'm so outside of the loop as to the politics in the whole thing I wouldn't even know how to comment other than to say I'm sorry it happened.

I didn't pray as much as I planned to last night. I got tired and that was after goofing off, reading about things that I don't really need to know...Like, how the Queen was photographed wringing a pheasant neck by animal cruelty groups (I said to my housemate: "That actually meant she is compassionate because that's what they do if it's wounded, so it doesn't suffer, they break the neck...Not that I would want to do any of it)" and so on...feeling glad for that family they are going to protect their privacy. I've been angered over my own privacy matters, and it may seem like I don't care, but I only began to write about myself publicly after I found out all this misinformation and very private information was going out to a lot of people anyway.

But I prayed for someone who told me yesterday that they prayed for me morning and night, briefly mentioned my name or offered me up in prayer, and I prayed for my son, and for other things and other people in general, and Di's boys and then I couldn't stay awake and fell asleep.

I think my housemate has had enough of the royal family talk. First it was weird, then it was hilarious...Last night, he tried to look excited to hear me ramble about their privacy move and the pheasant analysis, but I had to say,"Are you okay? What's wrong?" No, I am not going to start collecting spoons, mugs, and other knick-knacks.

It's cold today besides. Freezing. I am saying to myself I was warmer yesterday and what to do differently? to stay warm tomorrow? My skin doesn't look good today either. It's just one of those days. Blah.

I just got a note from my aunt and she said my son got the slice on his hands from helping my uncle cut down dried cornstalks and burning them in a fire. They're sharp when dried. So that makes sense, because he was talking about cutting down trees and a fire. He didn't seem bothered at all by his injury either, like it was natural, and didn't shy away from showing me. He also accurately told me about a kiss on his cheek, lipstick, coming from a kiss and a woman he called "monalita" and I could tell he liked this memory and had a smile on his face. I think she made him feel really good about himself. I asked my aunt to have my son wear gloves if he's helping with sharp things but who would think about this right off? But I'm sure they will. I guess he has new boots, which he loves and he told me yesterday that he made "tracks" with them.

I am feeling better. The blah sort of vibe is gone and sort of was leaving by the time I was about to read my mail.
I love this version of "smooth operator" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LI7GWbVV7ps&NR=1. I like the tone of her voice here maybe even better than on her original. She's one of a kind. I started laughing at the part where she does a bow with hands clasped together because that's how I first postured when my son said he was king. I did it like this and then a different way. Okay...since I mentioned king, I wasn't going to, but I have to say, yesterday morning first thing, after I had blogged on the psychic chat after being asked to apologize to the name of the royal family...well, the first thing I saw the next morning was...hahahaaa. I don't know why it tickled my funnybone, but "charlie's produce". I pointed it out to my housemate and laughed. I don't think he knew why but it was really funny for some reason. Well, I guess it was because I like nicknames and liked called noble Edwards "eddie" and Charles "charlie", etc., and I know P. Charles likes to garden so it just struck me as funny for whatever reason. Thinking about my dream where I ask William what the family does with their "waste" still makes me laugh. "public" or "private" sanitation, may I ask?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LljZcD07URI&feature=related. I've heard this one before but like it. Yesterday I listened to a lot of Sade, after my son pretended to be a king, I played "Your Love Is King" several times and then moved on to other Sade songs.

I should stop now. I have to get some work done.

Finished up some work on volunteer organizations today and lining things up. Also, made some calls for getting library card reinstated and also to collect some records out of area.

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