Monday, December 7, 2009

Visit With Son--King Of Mommy's Heart

It was a cute visit. I noticed, about halfway through, I got that sad vibe. I didn't know where it was coming from, but the heaviness was there and then it fully resolved.

First we got in and I noticed someone had stolen one of my bags. I don't know when or how but sometime between the bookstore this morning and then the visit. I had little sweets for his treasure hunt but otherwise, all that's missing is food and then I also lost a little wood car I had brought to show him. It was okay though, I shrugged it off.

First he wanted to read Frosty the Snowman and we sang this song a few times and then he wanted to make Frosty so we played with playdough for quite awhile. I showed him how to roll dough different ways. He made snakes and snowmen with the shapes, and what I kept calling "modern art" and "interesting finger puppets".

He showed me an owie he had and said it was from cutting down trees and there was a fire of some kind, and he said he got cut on the tree when trees were being cut. He had a slice across his fingers on one hand and I kissed it. He used a plastic knife to cut up playdough but I told him not to ever use a real knife without an adult around. I can tell he likes knives, or learning about them and I worry he would try to use one on his own.

Then he started talking about where he wanted to go. He said he was in a car, and on a horse, and a 4 wheeler and a plane. I said, "You went on a plane?" because he kept bringing it up. He shrugged and said, "No, Pablo was out of gas and the plane wasn't working." So Sue and I laughed. He shrugged. I said there were a lot of people in the town who had planes and maybe one day he could get a ride. I asked him if he'd been on a horse and he wasn't really paying attention.

Then we ate and, oh, the first thing he did, was to ask me to get rid of and put away the salad I brought in because it "stinks". He was smelling the blue cheese. It was a blue cheese, chicken, apple, and walnut salad. He said, "What is it?" and I repeated and then he said, "Where's the chicken." I hadn't noticed. There WASN'T any chicken! Someone forgot to put the chicken in, but when Oliver smelled the blue cheese, he started walking backwards and crinkled his nose and said, "Mama, put that away please." So then I offered him some goat cheese on crackers and he liked the idea of spreading things on crackers but wasn't big on trying the goat cheese. He ate his yogurt and drank juice and had a few olives. He calls them "olivettes". I saved a maple bar for the prize for his treasure hunt.

He had said he was watching Lion King earlier in the week and I asked if he liked the movie and he said yes. I told him he was going to grow up, just like Simba did and then we measured how tall he is, to me. He said proudly that he was getting big.

Then he was pretending his playdough containers were airplanes. So we talked about flying more and I pretended to fly with him and then lifted him up and flew him around in my arms. At one point he kept saying, "help, help" and flying his planes around. I asked him what they needed help from and he said, "the fish! lots of teeth!" and then he kept saying "help" and I said, "I'll help you. Do you want to fly?" and I flew him around the room.

I wrote out instructions on pieces of paper for the treasure hunt. I decided to make use of "tracks" too and made a trail with playdough bits across the floor. When he turned, he looked at the playdough and looked puzzled, "Mama,, what's that?" and I said, "Tracks!" He said it with this look on his face like, "What are you up to now MOM,and WHAT is this mess?" He looked like he was about to grind the dough in the carpet and stomp on it so I told him not to step on it. I probably confused him because he's used to see imprints for tracks. So he followed the tracks into my purse for the first clue and at the end of the hunt was a maple bar. Then we played again and this time it was a small hard candy Sue gave for the game and I hid it up my sleeve, which is where he eventually found it.

He talked about the snow where he's staying and about the tracks he's made. He pointed out Frosty's tracks from the book too.

Next he sat in the rocking chair and told me to sit at his feet. He rocked torwards me, smiling and I said, "Are you a king?" and he grinned and said yes. I figured this was playing off of Lion King.

Oh, thinking about animals, the very first thing he noticed in the room was a horse but he wasn't into it. He said it was a "girl horse". It was pink with purple hair and he said, "It has wings!" and I said yes, it was a magical horse.

So he was rocking and had nodded that he was a king and I said, "Oh, okay, then I am your humble servant" and I knelt down and then put my hands into a yogi prayer thing and bowed my head. Then I thought, "Wait, that's not right" so I adjusted and prostrated myself with my arms in front of me my knees folded beneath me and I said, "Your Honor..." and then I said out loud, "Wait! that's not right! What is it? not "your honor" but...oh! Your Majesty!" So I was laughing and said, "Your Honor waould be for a judge--I guess some judges thinks they're kings and maybe some kings think they're judges." Then I said, as I was still laughing, "Mommy has a lot to learn about royalty."

I then knelt and crossed him over and said, "I crown you King of Wenatchee and King of Mommy's Heart."

Oliver loved it and then when I said, "What could I do for you, Your Majesty?" he said, "Get me my crown." I couldn't tell if he said crown or crayon. But then he said crown. So I tied up a scarf and put it on his head and he wanted to "look in the mirror". He couldn't really see but then he was in his chair and I asked what I could do for him and he said, "Give me my crayon." This time it was the crayon. So I looked for the royal crayon and there weren't any. I told him I'd searched the world over for a crayon but couldn't find one so would he accept a pen instead? He nodded okay. I told him I'd scoured the entire kingdom and it was all I could find. He wanted a crown first, and the crayon was next.

Then I asked what else I could do for him. He said, "Bring me a crocodile please." I told him I would have to go to Africa for that but I would do it. I said, "I'll be gone for a few weeks, but I will bring back a live crocodile." I said I would go on safari but bring him back the crocodile alive. After I said it was going to take awhile, and started walking off, he said, "No. Take the car." and he pointed to the imaginary car which was at his feet. Good idea, I said, it would save time. So I got into my "car" and drove away for Africa, and brought back a crocodile. There is a toy crocodile in the room so I brought this with me and then had it snapping it's teeth. I made a suggestion to His Majesty, that he not try to pet the snapping crocodile. He didn't want to pet it. He wanted to feed it something. He offered the crocodile his pen. I said, "Your Majesty, but what will you do without your royal pen? You won't be able to sign orders!" He fed his pen to the crocodile anyway adn then, a toy car. OH! and I just remembered, when I gave him his pen I also gave him a car and that must be why he said, "take the car."

Then he counted all the crocs teeth, accurately, and I asked him if he'd like to put it in the hall or at the lodge. He said at the hunting lodge.

Then he said he didn't want to wear the crown anymore. He took it off saying he didn't like it on his head. I asked him if he was still king without his crown and he nodded.

Then he was off the chair and said, "I want to play Hi-Ho Cherry-O!" but it wasn't in the room. So I let him know. Next he wanted to play with planes and motorbikes again.

He used the motorbikes to push the airplanes into the hanger. Then he sat in his little chair and told me to sit in the rocker, after we studied the clock and I explained the hands to him, and time, and he seemed to understand.

Lots of spontaneous hugs and kisses today. He was very up today.

So he sat in a little chair and pulled it right up to my chair, facing me, and said we were flying in a plane. I asked if they were big planes or little planes. He said "You have a big plane and I have a little yellow plane." He kept saying his plane was "lello". Then he said he had a green one too, but he was taking the lello plane and I was taking the big one. I asked where we were going and he said, "Swimmers". I said, "To swim?" he said yes and I said then we might fly to Hawaii or to the Caribbean where the water is nice and warm, the way it is in the tub. His eyes lit up and he grinned at the idea.

The yellow plane idea he had was interesting. The night before, I kept seeing something very large, like a plane, that was all metal but painted bright yellow and then my son brought up having a yellow plane. I actually wrote to someone about the yellow thing I kept seeing in my mind's eye. I don't know where he or I got the idea. I didn't think for sure it was a plane though...something smaller than that maybe. I thought, but something metal with yellow paint on it. Cylinder shaped and bright lemon-to-sunshine yellow. I couldn't tell what it was or if I just saw a part. It could have even been a thermos but I had the impression it was larger and then plane did briefly cross my mind, but I have no idea.

He didn't want to leave. He wanted to keep playing and tried to stay with me, and started playing with playdough when it was time to go. I drew him a calendar and he said, "With a happy face, for Oliver," and I made one for him and then told him I'd written, "I love you Oliver, you are the king of my heart. Love, mama."

His eyes are still bothering him. He didn't touch them, but they teared up still and watered like something still bothered him when he was blinking or in general, but he said, "Mama, my eyes are better" and they did seem to be better, but there is still something wrong. I don't know what yet.

Overall, a good visit. I think he still needs to see an opthamologist and neurologist because they were still tearing up like something hurt when he blinked or something. I don't know. He still has circles under his eyes, but he looked like he's gained some weight. I could tell he's gained weight a little, already.

He said he doesn't want to close his eyes because it's scary. I asked why and he said something about sleep. I guess he sleeps with a small light on at night because he doesn't like the dark.

I don't want to write all this stuff about my son, but it gets out to people anywway and it's not private in the state computer system and around the area. I personally wouldn't blog about any of this, but since I've been doing it the visitation notes have improved and I've kept my own record of what happened in case there is a discrepency. But do I want to continue to blog? No.

At any rate, it was a nice visit. I felt very strong and I know he had a good time too.
very good and strong vibe today, in general. Sometimes extemely strong, as if the whole world is praying at the same time in a way. I don't know how to describe it.


  1. You are so creative! What a fun visit! It's so great to see a parent awaken a child's imagination.

  2. Thank you! :) I have a lot of fun with him (& he with me). We really enjoy our time together and want more of the same!
