Monday, December 7, 2009

Problems, Vibe, and Image

I am having two things happen at once...things seem to be getting worse with my computer...having problems with that again. Problems worsening, it feels, with blocking my son's and my rights to reunification and stalling and blacklisting still.

However, despite this, in the last several days, such a change or shift in energy it seems. I feel strong when I really shouldn't feel strong. There was this sadness or heaviness or something bad before and I don't doubt there are still problems out there but something is a little bit better.

I can't explain it. Maybe it's just more people praying and some things turning around for people in this economy, in general. I don't know.

I have all these people now talking to me about "vibes" and "energy" and how they believe in it, and it's not mocking either. I didn't know how many people understand what I try to express in words. And also, a lot of people approaching me to talk to me freely about mental illness in their family or with friends. Just feeling comfortable doing so, and not being ashamed to tell me, which, I think, is sort of flattering, that anyone would trust me to be sympathetic and understand.

There are good things happening.

What is bizarre is that there is really no reason at all, to keep my son from me. I cannot understand this, at all. It's basically common knowledge, and yet nothing is being done.

I am doing all that I can. I have a visit with my son today and then will detail our interaction. I was going to develop a treasure hunt for him but realized I can't make clues without knowing which room we'll be in next or getting in ahead of time. So I'm going to put it together once I'm there, and I am going to do something with "tracks" so he can follow a trail. It would be a lot better if it were outdoors, to do something about tracks.

I had this fleeting image right before I fell asleep last night. It was of a woman and she was in motion but I couldn't see her face because she put her head down onto her arm. I want to say she was wearing a hat, I'm sure of it and the colors were tan or tawny, and she was blond (again, all these blonds) and she had one arm on a railing of some kind and then put her forehead down onto that arm. It was at about 10:30 p.m. or so. It wasn't real, obviously, not a hallucination, but I saw this image like it was from a movie but the only movie I've seen in weeks is "The Queen".

I think she, this woman, was outside. I saw from the shoulders up, and think she wore a coat and hat. Maybe one arm was bent and then lying alongside the railing (which I think was wood and round but not totally sure) and she dropped her head down and then rested her forehead onto the arm. Sort of like she was tired I think. Or maybe reconciling something. Not a bad feeling with it. It wasn't a snow cap or tight fitting, it was other kind of cap, with a brim. But a fall or winter one. And the impression was that the hair wasn't long. Shorter. I didn't feel like it was a young woman but someone 30-60. However I felt very unclear about age and didn't see a face.
Decided to check up on latest news of royal family. I guess the Queen cracked down on photographers or paparrazi. Great idea! I think the press has too much leeway with public figures.
There is still this very strong positive vibe. I don't understand it. At all. But it's so nice. Could sort of bask. What's strange is that I got more negative news tonight and started to get upset, and everything is going downhill or not lining up it seems, but then I couldn't get rid of this feeling. I told this one guy, something is right. Somewhere, something is right. Or, just a lot of people are praying. I should pray tonight. I thought about it and will do so tonight. Pray for a lot of people. And watch that U2 video again. Today I've been listening to Sade and New Order. So weird, this thing. It's 6:30 p.m. but this has been strong almost all day and then I noticed it again about 5:30 on.

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