Sunday, December 20, 2009

Old Clip Of Charles' Gaffe

I love this! I just found it and the part that makes me laugh out loud is the very end. The way he closes his eyes. It's hysterical. It's so funny I've watched it about 10x now.

They have every right to be annoyed. It looks like they were enjoying a nice skiing vacation when swarmed by the press. The boys look very uncomfortable and the laugher and smiles don't reach the eyes. The boys are really as pained as the father but the father is just more upfront about it. He doesn't even really try to pretend, because he allows his expression to come through and gives a more clipped answer.

I think it's interesting how Charles' asks William what they should do. The way he says it, in my opinion, is very revealing. In a way, I think, he is not really asking for his son's advice, but is passing it to his son as a kind of quiz. William hears it as an actual question for his advice and he is more annoyed, like they are animals in the woods surrounded by bears..."What do we do?" as if they don't want to startle the predator but want to get out of it smoothly. William's response is good and then Charles' squeezes the shoulders of both his sons, in a proud way I think, or maybe let's get on with it then way.

Harry looks so sweet and innocent there even though he's always publicized as the exact opposite. He looks wide-eyed. But both he and William have their training already and even know how to pull off a fake but polite laugh that looks real, and maybe sort of is, but is mixed with hesitation too.

I really love Charles' expression at the end.

I never watch these clips, except I've seen a couple of Di, so I may as well browse through. It's interesting in a way, to see how they come across in public. Charles' is the most natural and the least vulnerable here, but he is also the most tactless. I can see how sarcastic he is or how he could come across very cold at times, but one can see warmth as well, towards his sons.

More than anything, the thought that strikes, is how this is, in an evolutionary or animal instinct way..."hounded" takes on new meaning.

I think, on another round, perhaps he is really asking his son what to do.

Based on only this video, I think the abdicator might be Charles. I wonder if they won't just pass it on to William and if Charles would prefer a more political role and continue with his philanthropic interests unburdened by the need to be more neutral. It also seems that he would really not enjoy the constant tasking by the press or come across as well. I actually think some would hate Camilla but she would probably come across very's more the duo that some wouldn't be able to bear. Charles has such a refined accent and yet sort of curt mannerisms, he comes across as consdescending. The Queen doesn't show the same sort of sarcasm or "bearing it all" and even the Queen is able to smile genuinely, or appear to be doing so. He's a king, but although his sons have an English accent, it's different somehow. I don't know what it is. Charles' could be the most soft hearted teddy bear, and yet that tone would throw it off. But, that's a naive American speaking.

Oh he doesn't just close his eyes, I like the part where he opens them more widely too...Wait, I guess it's the long blink that I like. Hhahaha. It just cracks me up because he's so annoyed and yet I'm partly laughing because I can see why.

Looking again, I was just wondering how his son's didn't laugh out loud at his response and then I saw Harry did. I also see that while Charles and William are smiling for the cameras, actually, Harry has a moment where he points his finger out to a reporter, to take the next question. Harry sort of takes charge. William is taking charge of his father and the press and yet Harry is looking more shy but he's the one raising his hand for the next reporter. Hmmm.

I think the English reporters were laughing along with Charles too. Really, the English would be fine with him, but the Americans and some others would have a harder time I think. They wouldn't understand dry humour because it's too dry for most Americans who would simply think he's stuck up or unapproachable. But I think he seems natural, that he's being himself.

This is a similiar clip but has more footage. It actually shows Charles being more vulneralbe there, where he's smiling in a sincere way, and asking why a reporter asked him about being chained up. He is funny actually, he's very funny, in a dry way. I think he'd be a cut-up if one understands his sense of humor. Unfortunately, some people wouldn't. Here too, Harry answers his question about a "stag do" and I have no idea what that is either. I didn't realize how many press were there from the first clip...look at that line-up. William has something wrong with one of his legs, maybe a knee. He's the only one of them walking in a way to favor a leg. It's not very noticeable, but I notice everything.

(And that's why the Lady is a tramp.)
I like this one of Charles dancing. His hand movements are actually very good.
I watched a speech by Di in Angola and then this one today. Done for the day.
Gosh...have to say, I just went back to this second clip where they're being interviewed and it just makes me laugh. I can't help it, I keep wanting to watch. And then, it gets even FUNNIER when the reporter says, so seriously and dramatically, "this is where they were sitting. So WHY was Charles so INDISCREET?" as if it's...I don't know. It's hilarious. And then the part where the "royal watcher" is saying "He will regret it!" Hhahaaaa. Very funny stuff. These guys are just trying to take a normal ski vacation and it's as if...I don't know, outlining the proximity of the mics to where they were sitting, as if it's a crime scene go-over or some military plan or grand puzzle. I think everyone should cherish this clip as endearing.
Oh, I guess I'll keep browsing. I have never allowed myself to do so in the past but why not? I was going to look up one of William and one of Harry and the first one I came across for W was of him dancing. So I got this one with sort of psychedelic stuff going on, but it has so many nice clips. He looks very free, I guess, always in front of cameras but more comfortable doing things, being active or himself but not directly addressing. I like the one where they're all dancing at the game or whatever it is. I see William flying very fast when I see him in this video of clips.
I looked up The Labour Party and found Gordon Brown is a leader. I like him. I don't know what it is, but I feel good about him. That he's a decent man...just a vibe. I don't know anything about any of the parties though, I was just curious. Might read more about the parties sometime.
Cute clip of William with a 10 year old cancer survivor. Seems naturally comfortable with children--actually, very natural and right on for age group conversation. Doesn't talk down at all but respectful of their intelligence and humor. Hmm. Interesting.

Onto Harry and then I'll go back to Di. I actually am finding, seeing clips of Charles, I like him more. In the books he sounds so cold but I like his sense of humor.

Okay, first clip of Harry in an interview. He's very chatty. I think I remember this in the joint interview with his brother the only one I watched until now (of either of them) and here too, he's very fluid with his speech and open. When one brother is talking about the other brother, there is always a smile or laughing. Even if they're not always together they're obviously connected and amused by one another. Harry is fast moving. He is one of the fastest crawlers I've ever seen personally (from a clip) and he's a fast talker. I watched this and then another in action where he's pushing kids around in cars at Sethebo or whatever that charity is. He also seems to be very natural with children. Tired, in the clip I saw, but responsiveness to them and vice versa.

The nice thing about children is that they don't know who you are, or they do, and they'll respond to someone who is responsive to them. They're candid and love having someone pay attention or play with them and discover their interests.

I was going to watch the video of William again to that song, where the dancing clip is and this one popped up instead:
I like it as well. "Light Surrounding You". I'll say one thing, whoever "team highgrove" is, they ADORE William! lol. Wow. Talk about team support.

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