Sunday, December 20, 2009

Dream Last Night ("The Exodus"--"The Pedophile") & Misc.

Last night I slept through and had dreams again. The night before and last night, I didn't awake without cause. I had dreams.

Last night's dream was one of those unimportant dreams I think, because in one part, I dreamed someone was a pedophile, who I wouldn't ever think was a pedophile. It and it's never crossed my mind before.

The other part of the dream was that there was a massive exodus of people out of Wenatchee. Everyone was packing up and leaving. It wasn't just a certain group. Tons of people were leaving and I saw people in trucks, saw a beige truck specifically, cars, all kinds of vehicles and U-hauls.

I was in the back of a truck with, ironically, my brother. For some reason, in the dream, he was the one who told me who the pedophile was. We were in the back of a chipped up red truck. The red truck may have been bc my mom had one when we were younger, but this one was a little different. In the dream, all the people leaving were going to the left, that would be my left. Oh, I guess...left, in my dream it was torwards N. Wenatchee. Like everyone was on the road that would go past Hastings and then past the Albertsons but I don't know if people were getting on the pass to go to Seattle and then go East or West or if they were going towards Canada or what. I had the feeling in the U.S. but mabye a different part and out of state entirely. They were going to go a greater distance.

It was huge. It was like, not just people that are forced out were leaving--people who seemed to have it made here were leaving. They were all just taking off. It wasn't a bad feeling in the dream, they were just leaving.

I always think it's great to have new people coming in, and I don't think my dream was prophetic or anything, but tons of people, old and new, were just calling it quits or were being summoned to other opportunities elsewhere.

That was my dream, "The Exodus" and "The Pedophile".

I saw something else, certain people's faces as we were driving by and I saw a few older men, heavily bearded, trying to tell me something with their eyes almost.
The first song to come to my mind today was Tom Petty's "Won't Back Down". I'll post the clip here and then I found one by Johnny Cash! I like it too.
Oh! I also had a very short part of a dream featuring the ears of William and Harry, but I was checking them out from the back, looking for marks of the elf and comparing the backs of the ears of both of them to see how they were similiar. lol.
This guy came up to me today and said something about how people who wanted to go to the East Coast got snowed in and the planes couldn't leave and even if they tried, it would be raining all the way. He then said something about how attitudes were changing though. I just nodded and was polite.

I have no idea why he came up to me to say this.

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