Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sad Vibe...Foot in Mouth

Oh I felt a sad vibe after writing about the Di book plans. So I have to delete what I wrote. It sounds bad the way I wrote it, bc I only talked about family, but the main thrust would be misinformation from the press, and other things,but I don't convey this and it doesn't sound right. And I felt sadness after writing it which I felt was connected so I have to erase it for now. I guess people will just see, later, it's not going to be bad, it will be written in a positive way and not to attack anyone. I don't know how to describe it...but I will still examine some things.

I deleted the section I don't like and feel better. It's too hard to describe what I'm trying to do and I wrote an excerpt of probably the worst and smaller section of what I'm looking at. It didn't feel right, so I deleted it.

It was instant relief, so I know I am right to delete it.

The energy was really good yesterday and down for a couple hours with the argument but then back to normal and today it feels okay. I feel better since deleting what I wrote, because it came across so wrong and of all the examples to make I chose the worst.

I want to write more about my image but there wasn't much else to it except hair color.

I got myself into trouble the other night, in a chat, oh, just last night in fact, where I was talking with this really nice woman and joking about horses and horse trailers and everything...Well, I really put my foot in my mouth.

It was horrible. I had wanted to talk to her again too because she does a little of the horse whisperer thing and I enjoy talking about animals and instincts of animals. So we were joking about how poor we are, and then a few were saying how they lived in trailers and I joked that I wasn't surprised she had a nice barn and a crappy house, because I know how horsewomen are. All the money goes into the barn and the house is a wreck or flying with dust...She laughed and said "That's right! horses first!" and then I said, "yeah...I've done some babysitting for horsewomen and they have a nice barn, dirty house, and ratty hair."

Crap. I was joking and everyone laughed, but then later that night I checked out her profile. She really DID have ratty hair. CRAP. So I totally insulted her and was just kidding around. I mean, it wasn't really ratty, just you know, "natural".

So anyway, I have to be careful what I say! lol. She was really wonderful though. I liked talking to her. As for hair, mine has been ratty lately too.

I saw that photo though and burst out laughing. I was mortified but it was the funniest thing too. It actually wasn't "ratty" but sort of looked this way because of the different layers or whatever...had to see.
I updated details to my last visit with my son.
lol. I just looked at some photos from the book "The Diana I Knew" by Mary Robertson. In one family photo, there is a dog and it's the same kind as the puppy I gave my son. lol

Someone asked me, later, where I got the puppy and I said I'd just picked it up at the 7-11 when I was getting snacks for my son. There was a solid color one and then one with different colors but I don't know what kind of breed it is. Anyway, it's the same kind that's in the photo of Di's family, on the first part of the hardback cover on the inside. I'll have to find out what the breed is. But NO! I didn't try to pick out a dog that looked like one Di had.

UPDATE: I can't find the breed for sure. I think it might be the same kind my grandfather had when I was little, "Penny", but I don't recall.
sense sort of a sad vibe again and thinking of my son. 3:15 p.m. Felt this for about a half hour maybe. I still have a really bad feeling. Something sad and not good either. 4:00 p.m. but then it improved by 5:00 or so.
Saw an article about an ecard from Harry, Chelsey, and her brother and they're all dressed as elves. lol. Just what I thought. They're all keebler people.
I am going to have to try the chinese food at original J's. I had someone go by today and ask if my chinese food was from there but it was from Safeway. We went there last night--my housemate said it was a special that night...It took about an hour I guess, and I waited in the car, but my housemate said they were out of things so I don't know if they had to make it new or what. It's so-so but someone said it was good at Original Js, which doesn't sound very chinese, but...well, it's a small town.

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