Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Signs Of Abuse On Oliver

My son is still being abused and either someone is pressuring and intimidating the Avilas or some of this is coming from them.

My son has three cuts across his fingers. They are knife marks and don't go all the way across like he naturally sliced himself. They are very distinct cuts, on his left hand, index, middle finger, and forefinger. They are about a few days old and I would suspect it took at least a few days to thoroughly try to brainwash him as to what happened. he said it was from "a tree". This is like when he said his other marks were from "water". There is no way this happened from a tree. They are razor marks on my son's fingers and they are in such a pattern it was not an accident.

In the last few days I've seen grown men crying again, and no wonder why.

In addition, someone has been forcefully pulling my son's ears. I thought something looked like it was wrong with his ears today, like they were sticking out more than usual, and I wondered if someone was actually doing something to his ears. So I looked more closely and behind one of his ears, it's bright red at the crease, like it had been pulled very hard or something else happened. There is bright red hickey like mark behind his ear but it's not a hickey, it's too narrow and long and in the crease but it's pronounced enough that it's obvious something happened. It's not light enough to have been from a good washing behind the ears.

I feel this is being done, as a "sign" to me, that my son is going to continue being hurt. At least in my care, I actually speak up if something is being done to my son, and I would never, under any circumstances, ALLOW someone to physically hurt or torture my son. I would lay down my life, fight for him, and be willing to die first. I would never allow these things to happen to my son. I don't care if peple don't "like" me...I do my best and try to get along, even when I have all these things happening to me and my son. But under no circumstances, could anyone EVER pressure or intimidate ME to conceal abuse or neglect of my child.

I am also going to do this if i see harm come to any other child, even if it's not my own. Or if a child seems sick or is having a small problem that's natural and minor, I would be the first to let the parents know. Which is why I brought up the eye irritation of E.

Either the Avila's are are not supervising my son at all times and they continue to allow this to happen, or they have been threatened with personal harm to others or worse harm to my son, if they don't go along, OR one of them is personally responsible.

One thing I also noticed was that yes, my son's fingernails are like mine. He was put through the same stuff that I was put through, when I was in Seattle. This was when both he and I suddenly turned up with pigmentation changes.

I also thought I noticed another mark of pigmentation change on my son across the bridge of his nose, but I'll have to look more closely next time. I'm also noticing that my son's tinea versicolor seems to crop up and start to look obvious on his face and then somehow it either gets a good scrubbing, or something else is being done. One time, one of his marks was cut out of the side of his face basically, with a knife or something.

Whatever my aunt and uncle might allow or do themselves, for whatever reason, any external thing that was happening seems to have abated. My son's speech seems to be okay and despite all this trauma, he was okay today.

I have absolutely no doubt in my mind, whatsoever, that my son needs to be immediately transfered back into my care or as soon as possible. My son is being harmed. I don't care if it's a "message". One does not use CHILDREN as a "message" and if anyone thinks they will use MY SON and get away with it, they are very sadly mistaken.

I had a very good visit with my son. I will detail this later. I have a few things to care of today first.

Think very carefully, and think twice, about hurting my son, whomever you are. For the Avila's, if you are unwilling to lay down your life for my son, you should not have him in your care, if you are not going to advocate for him and keep him from such situations. You need to be reporting whatever there is to report. And for those who have cried over my son, because for some reason they know what's going on, I beg you to come forward and find the right people to report this to, even if it is someone from outside of this entire area. Please do the right thing.

Perfect love casts out all fear.

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