Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wenatchee CPS Refuses Services

So it keeps getting weird.

It's been a month since the last hearing where they got permission to get a "head exam". This is ALL the Judge permitted, nothing else.

Despite this, Wenatchee CPS has refused to schedule anything at all and they've only delayed. The Judge specifically refused to authorize an evaluation with a psychiatrist or "meds" and said that would, if necessary, be down the road.

All he authorized was a neurological exam.

Nothing has been done. I talked to Michelle Erickson today and asked her if the AG or state had submitted any materials to the clinic where I scheduled an exam myself.

Wenatchee CPS workers are trying to force me to go out of the area when there is no reason to do so. I said it could be done in town, and she said no, it had to be in Seattle or Spokane or some other place. I said this makes no sense whatsoever, and I should not be asked to go out of town if the same evaluation can be done HERE.

It's not like they have some specialist in mind, they just want anyone besides somebody I've scheduled from the Wenatchee Valley Clinic. I said this was odd, and that it made NO difference whether it was done in town or out of town and I didn't want to go out of town at this time.

They've not done ONE thing in setting ANYTHING up. NOTHING except stall and delay purposefully.

So Michelle said they wanted a "neuro-psych" which is different from a regular neurological evaluation, and the Judge only authorized the basic head exam, which was set apart specifically from any kind of "psychiatric" evaluation. And, she argued, no one in town did this.

I was ahead of her by at least one step, because I have already checked on this, and there IS a neuro-psych person available and they DO these at the clinic. SO I told Michelle this, that I had already checked on this, and it's available at the clinic.

Still, she claimed it wasn't going to be done in Wenatchee. Hmmm.

If I am willing to have this done in Wenatchee, when it's a basic exam, why are these state workers trying so hard to REFUSE this? What exactly, are they afraid of happening at Wenatchee Valley Clinic? The state feels Dr. Freed and the clinic have been too accomodating or something? Maybe they worry that they won't be able to railroad me in the same way if the clinic is showing a willingness to have me evaluated there?

The Judge didn't force me to go out of area for the I.Q. test, it was done in Wenatchee. So what makes the neuro exam ANY different?

In the middle of all this, all Michelle had to say to me today, was that NOTHING has been done and all they've done at all is talk about "ideas" and a whole month has gone by as I've already scheduled a neuro exam for myself at the clinic.

I think this is only getting more bizarre.

Not only that, she went on about how they don't even just want one or two doctors, but she listed the following--a "panel" (sorry, but this is ludricous and it cracks me up) of the following: psychologist, psychiatrist, neurologist, and others.

I'm not even joking. They don't just want ONE of their state psychologists, now they want ANOTHER one, working for THEM, to do me in even WORSE than what Krebs' did.

I am not even allowed an independent psychological evaluation, but the state is taking money that was saved by denying me a public defender for a year, and using it to call in a SECOND psychologist for THEM.

Michelle said I don't get to choose, that I have no choices or options. I DID find out they scheduled for make-up hours to be made up. So this is good, but the only reason I was told my son is denied increased visitation is because there were a couple times I didn't "follow directions". Which is total BS. I was told I was "undermining" the authority of Michelle and the visitation monitor and that visits could be increased at the next hearing if I asked the Judge (in March, when they want to terminate my rights). I said my lawyer told me visits could be increased without getting the Judge involved, by cooperation with the state and Michelle said that would only happen with the joint agreement between herself and the CASA guy. The CASA guy has always wanted to terminate my rights and never wavered from this, to date. I don't know that it's possible he would ever change his mind.

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