Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Car Wreck Again & Other Incidents Tonight

There was another car crash today, as I was walking by. And then, a second one almost happened and I turned almost right before the brakes screeched, and then there was almost a third one. But the first one, really happened. A fender bender. Black car crashed into silver car. It happened just a few feet away but since I didn't technically witness it, as both cars had already passed me, I figured I didn't need to stick around. What was I going to say to the police, "I didn't do it?" Again? I didn't have my magic wand or the one with pom poms on it yet. I'm starting to think I will literally carry on around. Oh, no, the one with the eye on it. Just an eye.

It happened right after they passed me, so my back was to the accident but it was on the same block.

So I'm walking along, and I have no idea how so many people find things out this fast, but people were driving by, looking at me like I'd done it again.

I feel like I just got an intuitive quote from someone out there reading this, to the effect of: "I am never getting into a car with her."

So then I got the movie "The Cove" to watch and I was walking home and a truck kept passing and I thought was looking out for me. Then the second time, allowed me to pass in front of them, so I walked by and the third time, I wondered who it was. So I looked and there was a man with blond hair and definitely either Russian or German (I get them confused sometimes, facially...or even Polish? I don't know--medium to tall I think, lean but built or fit, and about 20-30 years old tops), I mean, with this background, wearing a grey shirt, and ummm, doing something to himself sexually.

So I couldn't believe it, and I'm walking by and then I look over and I can even see it from there, and I thought, ? and walked past almost and then stopped and looked at the license plate. I got it even though it was just letters and numbers. For some reason, when I called Rivercom, the dispatcher seemed to have an idea already that it was a letter and number combination all mixed together. It happened on 1st and Dana and I wrote the number down before I went to a house to call, but I decided I would save it in case I needed it later for something, and also, I had a weird feeling from the whole thing, that it wasn't exactly what it appeared to be. I mean, on one hand, yeah, on the other, ummm, hand, no, I thought there is more to this. I think I know exactly what it was supposed to mean, and it would match will some other information I got. Of course, if it happens again, I won't be thrilled.

So, this truck was white and then there was some blue truck behind but I didn't see who. I went to this house and then I started to get a bad feeling. The man said yes, report it, but I had started getting a bad feeling while I was in that house. The house? gorgeous. Nice collective clutter too, and they were all nice. But either while I was reporting, or something else was going on, I started to get the sad vibe or heavy vibe.

It was another contest or whatever, just more games, at this house too. Which I don't care for. When they went back and forth about what car to take and driving without a registered license plate or correct tabs, and everything around the house was monkey this and that, and then the lady comes home and it's more hassle about which car and take this one car, because she's just moved the rocking chair out of the front seat...I don't know how to put my finger on it, but bad vibe. I mean, lovely people! and kids were too cute, especially the one with Downs Syndrome was adorable. Absolutely adorable. But I don't care for the game of "Now she's at OUR house!" and the man is wearing green and then town decides then and there to turn on every green light available in the town, for me to notice as I'm passing by. And yes, this is what this town does and people in other parts of the world believe me.

I saw people with California plates and actually, someone in a BMW SUV, who passed by and were out of town and very normal and looked at me like they totally knew.

People are not idiots. You can do a lot of things to try to make someone sound crazy, but when too many people know, you're sort of screwed.

I realized today that people are getting interested in this town again and that a lot of people know about Wenatchee and what goes down over here. Somehow, some people all the way over on the East Coast knew.

SO, I am very exited to begin my movie about "The Cove".

In the meantime, I passed on all car ride offers as it was turning into this huge thing and they kept saying they insisted and I said, "It's no more dangerous for me to walk home now, at night, than it is any other night." So I said no, because I would rather walk all alone than do one more thing that is supposedly benefitting someone who doesn't even have the decency to tell me what the honor of my presence is benefiting.

I could go on.

So I just walked home and I noticed a few cynical rude stalkers, but others who drove by looked sad and worried. Probably someone heard the Rivercom broadcast, because this is a town that listens to Rivercom like it's Rush Limbaugh or some AM/FM station. I was starting to think everyone was an undercover cop. (for those who don't know, Rivercom is the "911" afterhours call center which is broadcast over capable channel if you can tune in.)

Oh, I guess the other thing that felt insincere and so made me uncomfortable, was when they asked how old I was and I said, "35" and they said, the women said they thought I was "18 or 19" and would never guess "35". Right.

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