Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Check On My Son

someone needs to check on my son. He keeps coming to mind and while he had a good couple of days, I think, in general, he needs help the rest of this week.

I have felt that mother's intuition, and he keeps coming to mind. Whenever my son would cry I could tell, because I was breastfeeding and it caused me to want to feed him and it's happened several times and I know he is either crying or distressed thinking about me.

I think he is worried he's not going to see me for a long time and he was greatly upset by what Michelle did in front of him. I think he's worried and maybe he's not being cared for well right now, I don't know. But I know I do not get this feeling, in my breasts, unless he needs me. And it's been a long time since I've breastfed and I can still tell he needs me. Even from a distance. Sometimes, this still happens. At our old regular feeding times. I still had milk even until very recently.

I called and left a message on the phone, for my son. I hope that the Avilas will let Oliver hear it, and it just says I had fun with him and I'm thinking about him and I went right back to the office and I'm waiting for him there for our next visit. Of course, this last part isn't exactly true, but he understands if I'm there at the offices, I'm still there. I told him I went for a really quick walk and then walked right back to the office and was waiting right there for him until I got to see him after the church day.

I notice he is usually fine inbetween our Monday and Wednesday visits, but that he is very upset by longer separations of any kind and isn't in as good of shape when he has to wait to see me for so many days.
I feel something is better, or someone is praying at least. 2:06 p.m Much better, positive energy.

2:50 p.m., the energy feels okay in general, but I can still tell my son is needing someone to check up on him. I still have this feeling and know that he needs me and I hope someone will check on him.

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