Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Vibe Now--Death Songs

I sense strong good energy right now. At about 1:05-1:09 p.m. During my visit, everything was all about my son. I didn't notice anything up or down or changing. I went to the visit feeling like something was sort of empty or sad. Then the visit, and it was all focused on my son with nothing one way or the other. Then sort of down, and then picked up for just a minute and then I wrote this and it sort of went sad again. It's like a cloudy day today. I wondered what's going on with the hostages too.

Today on the way to my visit, I passed this truck that said "natural gas" and started laughing, thinking about a story I'd read the night before. Then, I had to borrow a phone to say I might be a couple minutes late and I always end up feeling like I'm in some kind of twilight zone. Everything was purple in her corner. There was a crest of arms on the wall. She wore Amethyst earrings. Bunch of red and green and blue stuff in her car, and then I used the phone and up pops this boy riding a bike over a bridge in England. It was some famous English bridge that goes over a river or cannal and the boy rides the bike over the bridge with English buildings behind it and then it switched to a different scene. All English. I didn't really look around until I saw her screensaver on her phone and then I was like, "she's like Granny & Granny" combined into one.

I have been thinking about this card I made for my grandmother when I was younger, and I swear to God, someone held it up in the post forever. It took eons to reach Granny and was addressed to: "The Queen Bee" and I had done some drawings all over the card envelope. Actually, very good drawings, and just covered it. Well, it was out there in post office land for almost a half a year and she finally got it. I remembered thinking "What happened? did someone send this to the wrong Queen?"
I don't feel this vibe is very good right now. It was up for a minute and then down again. Then, it's been song after song of defeat and death and dying.
Thank you for the prayers whoever, because I can tell someone started to pray. Or not for me but someon else who needs it.

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