Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Crazy Housemates

The dog came down to find me and go for a walk and one of the housemates, not the owner of the dog, had her go back up.

Then, I called to take her for a walk in the evening and I heard her trying to come to me and then a big yelp, like she'd been hurt.

I go upstairs with the leash and she's hiding under the table or locked in a room and won't go anywhere, because the crazy people refuse to let the dog have any freedom.

Before that, the guy is just standing at the top of the stairs, when I called for the dog, not wanting to even be near them, and then starts to insult me--as he stands there in one of his many different color-coded uniforms.

I had to deal with this, and hearing the dog yelp out in pain, and then have THEM yell at me like I was the one with issues.

What is so backwards, is how some who are abusive to others, including animals, and who are neglectful of their own children, still have their kids for starters. I seriously worry about that baby and I wrote a private post and said nothing, absolutely nothing publicly, but it is very odd, to see the kind of contrast that I see, with people who really do have issues, getting away with unbelievable things, and then someone who is an excellent and educated mother, who is also normal, has to struggle to get anything done in this town.

As mean as they have been, I refrained from saying a single word about my concerns, out of sympathy. I felt sorry for them, and probably even put their feelings above my concerns for their daughter, but thinking they might be able to do it, somehow. So I privately wrote some things down but that was it. But when I then see and hear more abuse torward me and then abuse of an animal as well, I wonder why in the world I have this horrible situation when some of these people could be absolutely desperate for help and need help managing their anger or lives in some way, or parenting lessons, or something, and yet they have no problems at all, simply because, I don't know...they say "yes sir" when someone says to them, "Okay now, now put on the GREEN shirt because the green team is ahead" and then a few minutes later, after I talk about something that might refer, inadvertently to the color red, "Now it's your turn, put on the color red and that one hat that Barry wears, because Barry's 'on top'"??? Where the HELL am I? I feel like I am living in...i don't know. How long has this been going on and whose idea was it anyway? Because I want to have a word.

I am so, SO glad that I finally got ahold of friends nearby. SO thankful for that. I think I was literally...I don't know...

I'm thankful. I'm thankful for normal people I can trust. I might try to rally up the people I know to have an outside investigation done for my case, because there might be an ongoing investigation and there might not, and I have no way of knowing for sure. What I know, is that something has to be done about this.

It's just unbelievable to me, that they would continue to go out of their way to harass me when I stay out of sight as much as possible. The door and barrier is almost in place now, thank goodness.

The owner of the dog isn't even here or it wouldn't be a problem to take the dog for a walk. At least I think he would care if the dog is being barricaded or kicked around. You can really tell with animals, how they've been treated. I know she came from the pound so maybe that's why she was more reticent at first, at even being petted. She wasn't unfriendly, just didn't know what to think.

Last night, she came downstairs and I found her in the room next to mine, just lying on the floor. I'd had my own door closed. Then she went upstairs and then later, after everyone was asleep, I was in my room and she scratched on the door or leaned into it several times, making noise. So I let her in and she wanted to lie at my feet and I kept the door open but she wasn't going anywhere so I finally closed the door so others couldn't see in if they came downstairs. In the morning, she woke and I let her out as soon as she wanted out.

But I am dealing with a situation where all of a sudden, these housemates who had absolutely ZERO interest in the dog before, now want to hound the dog and barricade her so she doesn't have freedom, just to keep her from going where she wants to go.

I think part of it too, is immaturity, because the first thing they said, both of them, was they started yelling saying things that high school or grade school kids would say, "Psycho! you are really weird to have this dog with you. The dog doesn't LIKE you!!!" (as the poor dog is being yanked away and hiding, probably shaking again, under the table). The dog doesn't like you? I mean, where the HELL am I? Neener, neener, my soda's better than your-ORs! Neener, neener, I have the prettier cuuuUp! Neener, neener, you can't have the DoooOG!

Where is the icon for enormous wide eyes?

I have been very patient for two weeks now, and refrained from publicly documenting some very sorry things which I could have said, but this is so ridiculous, and especially as I've totally cloistered myself the last few days to avoid them at all costs and they still go OUT of their way.

It's not just accidental problems here and there, it has been an intentional, going out of their way, to say very horrible things about me, my son, and to threaten our safety and then this childish game of more harassment and then abuse of the dog. And I DO worry about their daughter, when they'll leave her crying in her room all day, and she's hardly ever anywhere except in her crib all day, and then leave her to purposefully come out and mock me or try to "pick a fight" (if that's what you call it). I mean, I might listen to music on a laptop at the table and he has to go over to the t.v. to purposefully turn music up as loud as it will go. Then he would stand at the table and insult me and mock me, just trying to get a reaction. Meanwhile, the baby is crying, crying, crying, in the room.

I tried to help without giving "advice" at first, because I cared about the baby but they didn't want any help or advice. The baby acted like she maybe had colic if she wasn't distressed and I tried to write out a couple tips and they didn't want it. The mother acts like she doesn't know how many times a day a baby should be fed and I don't think she was being fed regularly enough or as frequently as, is surprising, a 2 month old sometimes needs to be fed.

Just a whole lot of other concerns, but I said nothing, until tonight, after hearing abuse of an animal, and getting more harassment from both of them, without cause.

When they put more effort into harassing me than caring for and loving their baby, and holding her the way she should be held, and sang to, and talked to, and changed and fed, there is something wrong.

I did try to help at first. I offered to hold her and when she was crying in the room I would offer to hold her but they didn't like that. It was like they just wanted her to cry alone in the room all the time or would say they would hold her. I initially tried to be very non-threatening saying maybe she was a little bit cold (because it was cold and she only had a onesie on) and could use a blankie. So he did get one, and she stopped crying.

It's kind of like they just don't really know the basics and then are frustrated with all the crying so just leave her to cry in the crib the whole day.

Babies don't cry without reason. If it's not colic, usually a baby will be happy and content if only their basic needs are being met. My son was an extremely happy baby and the neighbors all knew this and have all made statements to this effect. I don't think it was just his personality but the fact that I had the advantage of working with kids for so long and was educated about parenting, and then I made sure I tended to his every need and then held him and played with him too. He even had a stroller but I would often walk with him in my arms instead, becasue he sometimes preferred this contact more. Sometimes, I'd walk partway with the stroller and then just hold him and push the stroller along the rest of the way.

I do not believe babies can be held too much, or talked to and sang to too much.

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