Thursday, January 21, 2010

Not Bipolar, Just Reacting From Intentional Provocation

I have made a lot of individual posts lately, but I'm not manic or bipolar (now that paranoid schitz is ruled out). I am reacting probably, to months of being isolated and alienated by people in the town who have also gone out of their way to harass me, threaten me, deliberatly injure my son and want me to notice, and block me from having a legal defense of any kind, or unemployment monies, or anything at all.

So, if I write more, it is partly to document some of the things going on because I got tired of being quiet abuot things when my son's rights are not being respected. Secondly, it is the most healthy outlet there is, out of all the options available and I would say yes, you could blame an overabundance of writing, on the need to vent and clarify my ideas and process things because I live in a place that represses me and my son.

I'm looking forward to getting statements from people that actually know me well, who will be able to testify that I am no different now than I was in Jr. High, and that I only speak my mind more without fear now, because I got tired of living as a doormat.

I felt halfway like myself and normal and likeable and met people on the East Coast, and then I feel normal when I talk to old friends who really know what I'm like. But living here under what I've had to live with, would probably drive the strongest person nuts and I'm very proud that I haven't turned into someone I'm not, and that I haven't lost it either. But I definitely wish I'd known how much lying I would have to endure again, because I wouldn't have put up with it this long. I would have done something different a long time ago.

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