Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dream Last Night & Image

Right before falling asleep, the image of a man's hands playing checker, putting one piece on top of the other and moving it. Then, I don't remember any part of my dreams except right before I woke this phrase: "The lawyers have been paid but the King and Queen haven't been paid." I woke up.

There wasn't any kind of connotation with the phrase. It was separate from the checkers too.
I made an oil and vinegar cake today. "Wacky cake" and it really is wacky, the method where you make holes and pour the oil in but then end up stirring it all up in the end anyway. I remember asking my mother when I was little, "What's the point?" I didn't have ingredients for icing so I used a hot cocoa mix and brought it to rolling and just used more than usual with the milk. It's working fine but I prefer powdered sugar and buttercream icing.
I took the dog for a walk, further than we've gone before. I think somehow, we might still be good trackers. They were not in their usual habitat at all today and yet we went straight to them anyway. The dog had so much fun and I did as well. Went to the top of the mountain and then I was going to climb another mountain with her but I heard vulgar speech coming from another party. Really disgusting stuff, and it echoed and the wind carried the echo, so I literally ran the other direction so I didn't have to hear anymore.
I figured out today, or simply realized, why I was having some magnified problems that I was having or have been having, which source afforded me some protection for a short time and then ended up going bad. I do not know, considering these things now, how I will ever get my son back. It has been made, impossible, and those who could and should be pitching in to right things, are not doing a thing. So I thought about all these things today while walking. I still remember my prayer though and feel it is possible, through God's power alone. I know one thing I felt would definitely happen, and it's not to do with me, but the other things, I don't know. I now understand why some in certain circles tried to go to such great lengths to get rid of me or just make everything in my life difficult. Basically, on top of everything else I was going through. Now it's doubly hard. And yes, the economy is bad, but it's not the economy.

I want my son back.

I guess I'll go to the post I started about destiny. Sometime tonight at least, but I probably need to pray first.
********** Like this video. Pretenders came to mind and I put on "Don't Get Me Wrong." My favorite part is when she jumps out of the car and then checks out her hair in the compact mirror.
listened to an arabic song about habibi and then one about queen esther which only made me think of my son and then this one, "wild child" by enya:

Here's one that followed, by a singer from Holland:

"Unfinished" or "Inconcluso" by Schubert:

Andante in E flat Major, Sibelius:

Prokofiev's "Troika":

I got something about 'ash-ook" (pronunciation) and then "bellarine" or "bellarini" but nothing comes up for music for either.

Anastacia's "Journey to the Past":

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