Saturday, January 16, 2010

thinking about my son (not to publish)--publishing afterall Queen Esther kept coming to mind. I saw this video when I typed things in and instead of thinking at all about kings or queens or large numbers of people, all I thought about was my son...that if I could save him and we could be together and how I would do anything for him which was not contrary to what is right in the eyes of God.

i love you so much Oliver and it's really horrible that these people, my own lawyers and the state workers, have done this to you so you will not even see me on monday. it's horrible. I don't get to see my own son on "federal holidays." what a nice touch, for me and you both, from our own country.

I know what I have prayed and i hope it will come to pass. With my whole heart, against all odds, but remember God is greater than any number of people, or any great army or any odds. God can do the impossible, if this is his will, and I pray that we will be able to honor him with this.

and God bless even international people who are outraged at what is happening, and those domestically who care and cannot understand this. May your blessing be upon them, all those who love you and who care about me and my son, in truth. May your will be done. Make those who fight for us and our cause, make their paths successful and pave their way through open or hidden means. Let every high mountain be brought down and the valleys which I and my son are in, of suffering in this separation, may they be raised. May all of the glory for my strength and heart and the strength of my son be upon Jesus Christ and bring praise to your name. Bring my son out of this safely and bring him next to his mother. Do your work dear God, so that I no longer have to strive but it will be brought to me and to my son and let nothing come inbetween us. Do not let even my own family members, some of them, come inbetween us. honor and bless those who believe in freedom and who do not put conditions on me for having my son back. Help others to see gifts come in love and with faith, and that forcing people to do things or trying will only backfire. I pray for this.

also anyone who may be newly mad at me for any reason, help them. and bring those out of darkness who have put symbols and meaning in my path to purposefully try to hurt me, distract me, worry me, or concern me over my son. May your full strength be shown to these people who do these things, to mock or destroy or intimidation with fear. Allow them to see their own hearts and the darkness therein and allow them to know who you are and that you do not approve of those who harm his servant, for you God, know that I am your servant and I am faithful to you, even above my son, I am bound to my conscience to what is good and acceptable in your eyes. Bless me oh God and bless my son.

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