Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Dream Last Night

Last night I dreamed I was near a large river or lake and I wanted to go for a swim. There were these brothers and a couple of other guys and I asked them if they'd go with me, and they said okay but I don't know if they really wanted to. Wasn't a big deal one way or the other. Then one man said he would and I feel like I can't write who it was, because sometimes my dreams are taken more seriously than they should be taken. So we went for a swim. I remember who it was and the color of the shorts and everything but I can't write about it because someone will make a bigger deal about it than should be made. Then again, maybe it seems like an even bigger deal if I don't just put a name, bc it's only a dream. At any rate, it was something to do with the guy being a brother to someone or a half-brother or something. His shorts, swim shorts, were white with a red stripe on the sides, and it was C.D. again. Poor me (just kidding). Keeps popping into my dreams. See, it's not a big deal. I decided to write it down so no one thought I was coming up with a prince of wales or whatever.

I've had a couple dreams of Alvaro or concerning him, before, and then I get a lot of royalty dreams bc of my readings.

Then, I was in some house with two women and one was international, and I asked what country and she said, "Sylvania". Like Transylvania without the Trans. I sort of think this part came up because I had been looking up James Bond movies some guy told me to check out sometime, because he said I looked like one of the German or Russian women. So I think that's where the international part came in, but I was in this house with two other women and one was blond and I don't remember much about her and the other was a brunette and wanted to be a prima donna sort of...She was getting some part in a movie. She had all these things lined up and anyway, the two women decided to kick me out for no reason, just to make things difficult for me. There was no reason other than maybe jealousy or they just didn't want me there. So I went back to get my things and decided to go into the brunette's room. I wanted to know what her name was. For some reason, I didn't know. So I went through her purse and looked for mail, and then I was rifling through papers and then I was looking in some kind of planner. I was looking for a name. She came back and I pretended I hadn't been going through anything and she started telling me about all the things she had lined up for becoming famous or getting ahead. She was doing some modeling I think and photos and then had a part coming up in a movie and some famous director was putting it on. So I told her she might not get that far if she was kicked out of the country the same way she was kicking me out of my house. She was younger than me. So I reminded the two women that what they were doing wasn't right and then I woke up. No yelling or fighting, just conversation with the blond looking on and knowing all of this already.

I woke up.

Anyway, this second part didn't have anything to do with anyone I know at all. I didn't recognize anyone and it didn't fit any part of my life except maybe that I've had to move around a lot, but the 2 women were not people I recognized and there was no name or anything. I think I dreamed this part because I was looking up movie descriptions right before I fell asleep. The only part that came out as a detail and I don't where from, was when I asked the brunette was country she was from and she said Sylvania.

Oh, and I remember, the brunette gave me a card or something she'd made in an art class, which was part photo or something, and it was very professional, and one part of it said, "The lion stole the wedding" or "the lion that took the wedding" or something and I remember it was somehow directed to me, like I wasn't going to be married to someone, and she was, but I didn't know how but I was pissed, and that's when I reminded her of her own position. But there was no man coming into the picture at all, in the dream.

haha...I think I've heard this before but I didn't know the meaning of "indigo children" or the psychic connotation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a27IgsQckTI&NR=1 (indigo girl).

I woke up with a series of songs on my mind but forgot them all by the time I made it to the kitchen. The first one was a song about dancing.

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