Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Not Posting About Diana Anymore

I have decided I'm going to keep notes of what comes up that is related to Diana, but I had the idea cross my mind tonight, and actually, even last night, that some of the comments I get, or references to her, are not only to...I don't know.

I don't know if it's all to just freak me out, or to make me sound a little nutty if I write about it, or if it's intended for me to write about, to get to other people that might care even more.

On one hand, I have personally had very odd things happen around me but because I've been so much of a blogger, I don't know if perhaps some of it is happening or has happened to just intimidate me or TRY to drive me nuts or to sound nuts, or if it's with the idea that I might write about it and it will bother some other people.

Like, why would a guy...I mean, there are plenty of cutters out there, but why would someone say they worked at catered parties and had "chub" and cut themselves on the chest...I mean, maybe coincidence, but Diana brought up the issue of feeling "chubby" or Charles saying this and then she cut herself on the chest (although I don't know if she used hunting knives--I never read that anywhere but I did read about razors and a pen-knife) and ...I don't know.

I don't know why I got the perth-etic christmas thing from a UK site either, and they were also talking about "marry christmas" insinuating William was going to ask Kate to marry him. Just a lot of weird things, and why directed to me at all unless someone thinks I will blog about it and that there are others who will read about this and it will get to them...

OR someone just wants to muddle up my own problems more or get me into more trouble with people somehow. It doesn't make sense.

On one hand, I want to keep writing about what happens, so it's out there for my own safety, but on the other hand, I don't know if other unsavory sorts are feeding off of this. I don't know.

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